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  1. I am the original owner. I can't provide the original e-mail, but happy to assign it to another e-mail and give you that.
  2. Hey all, I recently got a few accounts like the below unbanned and I was just wondering what it would be worth. This one has a username login, has previously been perm banned (3 years ago) but it's only got 49 QP, no void, torso etc.
  3. I have a bunch of fishing accounts that I no longer use. All have had a temp ban but their stats are between 85-99 fishing most have pets, some have def some have level 1 def.
  4. I have a few accounts with 99 fishing ranging from 13m xp all the way up to 68m xp. Some with the pet and some without. The best account is 1 def 38m xp and 60 agility, everything else is pretty much 1 except for 30 attack and strength. They have all been perm banned but recovered and the bans quashed. Just wondering what they'd be worth.
  5. No longer need thanks!
  6. border22

    NMZ quests

    Found someone thanks!
  7. border22

    NMZ quests

    Looking for someone to do the below quests: - Tree gnome Village - Get the rock cake - Grand tree or Mountain daughter - Lost City Let me know how much!
  8. I need the Mage arena 2 cape on two account (the casting and everything), happy to provide the supplies just let me know what you need. Also, on one of the accounts I just need NMZ quests, I've already done Vampire slayer and Fight Arena. So Lost city, Tree gnome village and The grand tree or Mountain daughter, which ever is easiest for you. Plus the rock cake part. Let me know how much and need done as soon as possible.
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