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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Vag

  1. This is not an OsBot error, that I can tell you for sure. This is Java error for Windows OS that has randomly started occuring since the Windows Vista has been released. The cause of this is unknown to this date. Edit. How ever the cause of this is directly linked to Java Virtual Machine trying to access an file it has no rights to access.
  2. I am saying that if you would not be addicted to something, you would be able to live with out it. You know, it was not a stupid day-cruise, and they were not looking for it. It was deemed to be used on-board.
  3. Soo, it is an issue with self-control when people shove it up their ass? I've also seen Coast Guard boarding team tearing down cabins ceiling, and succeed to find under 10gr of Cannabis.. That is addiction to me.
  4. Are you ready kids? Aye Aye Captain Panties off kids! Let us go captain! Who lives in a basement Under the Pre-school? Sponge Bob is pedophile, Sponge Bob is pedophile! Child Protection on to him, Gets a restraining order when he leaves the scene! If group of angry fathers is something you scare, Sponge bob is pedophile, SPonge Bob is pedophile! Hands up pants down, Sponge wants to see it! Sponge bob is pedophile, sponge Bob is pedophile!
  5. I was, and should still be illegal drug in every country. For those saying that Marijuana is not addicting, it's healthy blahblah.. I've seen what people are willing to do for a little bit of it, tells me how addicted they are into it. Also if I would do this fucked up plant, I would lose my place in college and my job. We happen to pee-in-a-cup once a month.
  6. I would just recommend using VPS servers from @OVH-Hosting as a reverse proxy. Clean IPs.
  7. This is like asking can I have a Bic Mac in McDonalds.
  8. Hey! I am selling all my rights for this MMORPG-Goldshop template. Template is based on twitter Bootstrap-framework, so it is 100% fully-responsible for mobile and -multiscreen devices. Upon a sale, how ever I will be removing my shopping-cart and admin area of it, as I will be using them later on another project of mine. Design of this is very lightweight, actually it has less than 5 images like every other real-professional site has nowadays. This makes it extremely fast to load up. I have no solid price for this, and I will be accepting OSRS / RS3 / PP payments. Verified PayPal required. Couple screenies of this bad boy http://i.imgur.com/1CV0w3C.png http://i.imgur.com/smS4JCZ.png http://i.imgur.com/RBpR8mQ.png Even there is no Shopping cart or Payment gateway included, it is fairly easy to integrate. If you are interested, I am able to provide you these also, but mainly selling this layout. I will only sell this for one person. Full support for this included.
  9. I got 24 mute couple months ago, someone was asking what logs I was burning, typed "I am burning jews".. J and Y are next to each other also, and some stupid player moderator called unicorn2002 or something like that muted me for it.
  10. Vag


    @FrostBug This reminds of one hell of an scary ghost..
  11. Vag


    Has nice mid-bass on it. Downloading this to my USB-drive. Will roll down the streets windows open, hanging my bone out of the window with cool sunglasses on me. Gettin' dem ladies.
  12. A funny fact about linking. If I would share a link to my website, I would be able to view what site was the link clicked on.. That's why I do not personally prefer clicking official RS links on the shady side of the community.
  13. If someone provides a accurate answer, we need to lock him to my basement, he is clearly working for jagex.
  14. How can I fuck goosebumps in r00nskape? Plz?
  15. This is one hell wierd of a community.. Everyone has their diks stuck in something..
  16. Hello, Ever wanted to know to the proper, not that bullshit Hollywood May Day is called out in VHF Channel 16 (common emergency channel for seafarers).. Well here we go. When calling out a May Day you start with Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.. This is.. Name of the vessel, aircraft (or your familycar ) x3 Vessel / Aircraft radio call-code MMSI-callcode (only if used DSC) Emergency call.. (We're out of cheese snacks) What kind of help is needed. In most cases this will just be common request, but if your ship is going down on first date, and swallowing alot of seamen, like RMS Titanic did, I'd suggest to call all nearby vessels for rescue operation, as they are required to. And finally it would be nice idea to call out how many people are on board, just in case. Can be read of crew list. Now you are all set up. Happy Mayday calling!!
  17. Vag


    I find this thread very offensive. This is a great example of the real maturity leading our community :doge:
  18. Belive me, Pizza with Chicken and some wierd sauce.. Im in love with #11.
  19. Vag

    like a boss

    Sometimes you just get involved in serious rulebreaking by accident...
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