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Everything posted by TwitchFast

  1. Is a free trial available? Looking to purchase a hunting script but with all due respect, I've wasted so much time on god awful scripts and I don't want to waste money on one. I'd also like to know if the bot will pick up traps before breaking, I know the feature list claims it will, however I saw a post previously that said otherwise. Thanks.
  2. I too am willing to bet it's a manufacturing defect, any traces on the board will typically be left under layers to try prevent damage to the traces themselves. Either you accidentally caught a motherboard stand-off and it stripped a layer, or the board was simply damaged from the factory.
  3. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/cDyMQ7 While I understand it is above your budget, it's the best bang for your buck list of components you'll get without sacrificing performance or reliability in any area. As previously mentioned, a CPU cooler is not necessary however I will add they greatly reduce noise in your system. If you're trying to cut down on noise, a cheap but effective (and quiet) cooler such as the Hyper 212 Evo is fantastic.
  4. Namely computer hardware, I pretty much join botting forums and provide hardware recommendations/builds, been doing it for years. I prefer forums with a somewhat dedicated subsection, otherwise I have to actively seek the users that want help, which to be quite honest isn't something I like to do.
  5. Any particular reason as to why the section was removed? It's the only reason I'm actually here after all.
  6. The liquid itself isn't usually what makes thermal paste good for thermal conductivity, it's usually the particles within it (silver, diamond and various other materials). Once the paste initially works into gaps on the CPU and the heatsink, the liquid has pretty much served its purpose.
  7. Overheating is irrelevant, the paste will still typically work despite having had dried out. Also, that's called thermal throttling.
  8. Given that each paste will dry at significantly varying rates, it's still not something you should leave alone. My brother not too long ago (in the process of upgrading) had his CPU stuck to the heatsink and had to be forcefully removed, it's still a concern.
  9. I recommend changing every 5 years or so, heatsink paste can and will dry over very long expanses of time. It's best to avoid the issue before it sticks your CPU and heatsink together, believe me that's not something you want to experience.
  10. The point is you don't know what you're recommending. Your current keyboard from Q2 2014 is most likely Cherry MX which means it's not a shoddy switch, new Razer keyboards are incorporating their new terrible switches and should be avoided. Their keyboards are no longer "good", quality control and manufacturing tolerances can't be overlooked. To confirm your switches, you can take the keycap off (assuming it's mechanical), and then you can look at either the colour of the switch or the branding on it.
  11. True that, people are just using this thread as a postcount farm. Repeatedly posting bullshit, I daresay the majority of people who replied won't know an ounce of what they're talking about.
  12. Personally I would recommend a Ducky keyboard, the backlight isn't limited to the key, however the switches are genuine Cherry MX and are built like a damn fortress. I use a Ducky Zero (budget oriented) keyboard with blue switches and custom black dampeners to reduce the sound of 'bottoming out'. My model has brightness adjustment and a breathing effect, however the more expensive models such as the Ducky Shine series have a vast number of effects available. Considering that's a modern Razer keyboard, I would highly avoid it. As you can see on the packaging, it has their own switches (not Cherry MX) and has been proven to have poor manufacturing tolerances and quality control. Due to this, it makes the switches have different actuation weights (in grams), which is not an issue that should happen in a high end keyboard.
  13. Monitor your temperatures, could well be an overheating CPU or GPU and that causes the clock speed to drop drastically (throttling) in order to reduce temperatures. Or it could well be the issue that your CPU is kinda old tbh, the single core performance won't be all that great, which is important for gaming because they are very commonly limited in terms of mulithreading compatibility.
  14. Given we have absolutely zero knowledge on the state of the hardware and ventilation, any conclusion is a guess at best. And putting thermal paste on a motherboard is still a good idea, I don't quite see where you're coming from. Overclocking doesn't usually heat up the bridges unless you're messing with the RAM, which I'm confident he's not doing.
  15. Given that people do remove heatsinks and replace the paste on the north and south bridges, that's not true. In this case the heat source is likely the north bridge or the VRMs.
  16. Also people should seriously stop recommending the thermal paste thing, it can void his warranty.
  17. The fact of the matter is, AMD motherboards have VERY hot chipsets, and for the life of me I have no idea why. I noticed it when I changed out my brother's Gigabyte AMD motherboard, and promptly burnt my finger on a bridge heatsink. I don't really think there's much you can do, it's likely a culmination of genuine heat and a faulty sensor causing it to believe it's overheating.
  18. I don't want to be the party pooper, but it really isn't that great. Considering it was free, sure that's fantastic. But in terms of performance, the CPU is multiple generations old and the GPU is literally ancient. Like I said, don't want to be a party pooper, just telling you how it is
  19. Yeah but that's not actually true. I forget where I had read it so I can't cite it, but the implementation of their UI is actually very light, I daresay lighter than the previous interfaces. The generic hate for Windows 8 is sad really, we're provided a genuinely fantastic operating system and people complain over minimal differences that can be easily fixed.
  20. Not true at all. Windows 8 doesn't even look pretty imo, a lot of the apps and interfaces are specifically designed to be as light as possible, whereas 7 is (comparatively) a mess.
  21. CPU is great. The cooler is underwhelming at best, that thing came out 6 years ago, and cooling technology had changed drastically. The mobo is perfectly fine if not a bit too high end for your needs. RAM is perfectly fine actually, why would you want to upgrade that? xD GPU is hit or miss, doesn't say which cooler it has which will determine if it's horrible or not. Personally not keen on the case, I find the HAF "High airflow" cases tend to pick up dust and hold it. Seems mediocre in areas, since you're paying 1400 euros for it. From my experience Windows 10 is terrible, I too used the developer preview and found it to be ridiculously inefficient in terms of CPU cycles. To be quite honest, you're hating on it because it's different, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  22. 8.1 If you want performance, 7 if you're incapable of adapting. Windows 8.1 is quite literally bounds ahead of 7 in numerous ways, security, power management and performance.
  23. This isn't going to be what you wanted to hear, but there really isn't much you can do software side that will aid botting in any measurable sense. The old text-book methods like defragging and various other tips pretty much do nothing for botting.
  24. Iirc pointers are the source of an address, for example if you wanted to find a value repeatedly but it changed address every time you loaded the file, you would need to identify which pointer is making that address in order to correctly find that value each time. And pointer scans often will result in a huge amount of outputs, hence the 10,000 files xD
  25. TwitchFast


    SSD's do have trade-offs though, they're definitely not lacking in disadvantages. SSD's currently cost a significant sum more than a standard HDD, and will likely not last as long due to the inherent properties of NAND flash. SSD's do however have the benefits of faster read and write performance (typically), as well as having zero moving parts, meaning you can slam dunk it without fear of damage, unlike a hard drive. Currently SSD's are expensive, however budget versions are available such as: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/crucial-internal-hard-drive-ct120bx100ssd1
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