So, I was refreshing my SDN until I saw it pop up and started it right away - actually never stopped it :). Ran flawlessly apart from the bot being stuck several times on the second floor at "Man" npc's @ edgeville. When it did that, the script wouldn't react and just log out.
Here's a proggy from a fresh f2p account - only training one skill; all others 1 - hence the low xp/hour! (A specific pure build) :).
Set one acquires 1 million archery tickets - how should one spend it so the profit would be maximized?
With the current prices of rune arrows and etc.
Thank you if took the time to do some calculations
Does this support ranging guild - buying with archery tickets, i.e archery tickets for rune arrows? I don't reckon there's any script available for this
What do you need? : 82-90 strength by hand powerleveling on my pure
Payment method? : OSGP
Going first or middleman? : We'll discuss on Skype!
What is your Skype? : PM me!
Do you agree to the TOS? :Yes
Can I get a qoute on 82-90 strength powerleveling on my pure at rock/sand crabs?
Exclusively done by hand; I am very cautious about having any type of risk associated with bans.
What do you recommend (personal opinion, based on your experience in botting and knowledge of the system) as the best 'anti-ban' set-up for this specific script of yours? As I, personally focus a whole lot on reducing the risk of getting struck by the banhammer when botting on such heavily monitored minigame/activity such as the range guild.
I am really thinking about buying this one - would it be possible with a trial? Tyvm in advance! Also, does it have failsafe in terms of accidently clicking on an archer (i.e running away and then back again; resuming the minigame?).
Edit: Okay, I just went from a part-time retard to full-time. I already own the script but since its been ages I've botted, I didn't realize. Pardon (you can still answer my question though )
You can use Oldschool runescape gold to purchase vouchers from verified salesmen on the forums. A trusted one could be Roomscape who I know, sells vouchers for 07 gp.
I can do this. I've had several accounts unbanned, all of them being permanent banned and returned to in perfect shape. PM me asap so I can get to work
Cheer up laddie. I usually download some math homework from various sites and keep my mind off anything else and just relieve all of my stress. Perhaps, you could do the same of a subject you like; definitely try it out though and see if it'll cheer you up after.
Thank you very much, means a lot. As I said earlier in the thread (my thesis), I got it in theoretical physics, which I specified in the previous post . It took me 5, nearly 6 years; after high school that is.
Thanks 4 the grats. I have worked generally on theoretical physics, specifically string theory in Anti-deSitter spaces and black holes in five dimensions. This ofcourse, included a few more implied topics aswell.
I finally earned my masters degree yesterday. Not that I took it too seriously but it was nice to get it done so I can enjoy sleeping long. Thank u for taking the time to read and congratulate me.
I've had this problem before; well at least something that was a bit like it. Mine however, got fixed after I deleted the version of bot I was using to a newer one.