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Everything posted by ikos9

  1. I would like a trial of : APA Rock crabs I would like a trial because: I'm in doubt whether to buy Czar's or yours! I am so confused and a trial would clarify the things for me! Thanks in advance!
  2. Hey, could I get a trial as I am in doubht whether to buy your script or Czar's one! I would be really honoured! (Sorry if this is the wrong section/thread)
  3. Anne got rekt, who tf is he. What a nonamer. Report if you feel abused by the moderation power of his, I've experienced it before. Also, Roomscape has a point whether anne likes it or not.
  4. ikos9

    Bye Guys!

    Have fun. That xp waste tho.
  5. I'm interested in the vulcan, PM me a cheap offer in 07 gp.
  6. Did you try searching for it in the search box? If you can't remember the whole name of the script, try some keywords or adjust the scripts to what type of script it was.
  7. I've bought this script earlier this week about 2 days ago, and started at 47 ranged. I am now currently 75 with a non-stop run, literally. Furthermore, I have experienced that my character would get in the corner, east of the judge and just stand there without doing anything. I tried getting him back at the spot next to the judge and hoped the script would continue but no, I had to restart the script. Hope you can get this fixed ASAP! - I will update on my progress with my account too!
  8. Shit WP - Sorry to hear, try to take pre-cautions when it comes to multiple account botting; on the same IP that is ofc.
  9. I can tell from my own experience that, I've had 3 accounts banned on the same IP but never have I botted on my main on which I also play on the same IP with, thus no bans. So you should be safe, unless some chain reaction happens with a flagged IP.
  10. Lad gave me key, haven't used yet due to me waiting for my new PC to arrive! - WIll use in approx. 15-20 days. Thanks!
  11. Try explain what is occuring to you and what error it is if it is an error.
  12. What the fuck did I just read
  13. If you're concerned about battery life, go check out the Lenovo thinkpad t440s - the battery life is amazing. 15 hours with continous web surfing.
  14. Please update this script consistently, currently you're the only one on the market with frequent updates on his range guild script. Keep it up!
  15. ikos9


    I really dont want to potentially risk my account lol been playing for quite a long time now not to mention the time i've put in, but yea basically they just wanted to see if I waant to accept or decline the offer and a lot more shit like what it means to be a p mod and something i actually didnt know was: "A great addition is you can now access the Moderator forums Your access to the Moderator forums is crucial if you accept this responsibility" the fuckers have a private forum for themselves, shit - im also on the forums 24/7 so it would be nice
  16. Well since the dxp started yesterday, I only had the chance to log-in today and get that divination up for my max cape. So I went into my main and noticed a new message in the msg box. I went in to check and it was jagex inviting me to be a pmod. Lmao, u wot m8??? tf should I do lmao, this mean I can't curse like at all ig or what??
  17. Depends if mining was botted or legit. PM me for skype.
  18. When will we be able to get a hold of it?
  19. This is insane mate, shit. Let me know when you're up for another 'big' order for me!
  20. Never experienced such professionalism from a powerlevel order in any service I've bought from. Cashew is not only an amazing powerleveler, but an utterly dedicated person who is more than willing to do anything to keep the customer satisfied. Cashew did not only provide me frequent updates including screenshots, but was able to do a painful order consisting of a very slow xp/hour rate. Despite all this, Cashew did not once respond in anger, yet friendly and kindly. Furthermore, Cashew manages to live into the role of each order he gets, in the very specific account he will do what is told to him, whether it be to not respond to anyone or be social whilst actually doing the order. An example here could be, whilst completing my order, Cashew got me into a very friendly clan, gain amazing reputation and be acknowledged among others. For that, I truly thank him and Aziz for providing the service.
  21. Well this thread turned into something I didn't prepare for..
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