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dr pepper

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dr pepper

  1. bot stops at the bridge when walking to crabs apaec
  2. id suggest just do it with slayer dude
  3. bumfluff bro , should see mine ;)
  4. yes but buy a good quality one, i bought a shit one and it laggs like fuck
  5. just dont bot an obvious skill 23/7. mix it up
  6. i was botting experiements and got banned , having a break every 2 hours
  7. i have a similar build account to yours but mines has 15 pray , are they good to stake with?
  8. the bot is down , wait for update
  9. inb4 10000000 threads saying "y is bot nut wurkin pls"
  10. so i just bought a vps but its laggy as fuck, running a chin hunter and im only catching 100 per hour when im 99 hunter. are VPS's always this laggy/slow? or is there something wrong?
  11. im 16m xp no ban haha all botted non stop :P
  12. how much for getting mith gloves on a pure? i've done all pre-quests
  13. bought , can mods please close? thanks
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