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Posts posted by oTroll

  1. A. In the first loop that runs in your script, open the GUI. This includes creating the dimensions and the .setVisible() method.


    B. Set a boolean called "start" equal to false and when the user presses the Start button on your GUI to set the boolean to true. Have this boolean as a condition that runs the main loop of your script. After the user presses the start button on the GUI, you should also dispose of the GUI to save some resources

  2. Thats going to be  alot of people xD o wait no it really wont lol tongue.png I'm all for it but staff will not do it.

    Hopefully we can persuade the staff. Good things are suppose to come with OSBot 2, right?

    No support the rank is called Veteran for a reason facep.gif

    What reason is that?

  3. Since OSBot 2 is soon to be, I think we should move the veteran date a few months forward to appreciate all those who have been supporting OSBot from the early stages. I don't really know what the date should be, but I am thinking June/July, or those who have been members for almost 9 months. Any suggestions?

  4. "this" refers to a parameter or a local variable that has the same name or is similar to another variable (I think)


    // Global Variable

    int Vara = 0;


    public void DoThis(int Vara) {

    this.Vara = Vara; // Grabs the parameter and sets it to the global variable


  5. Veteran color/rank/PiP should stay.


    Just like you said this site would fail without script writers, wouldn't this site lose its taste without appreciating veterans who supported OSBot from the beginning?


    I personally believe that all staff should have their own rank PiP and Color, as well as a symbol. It would definitely distinguish them from the other members of the community. The only problem is the huge amount of staff ranks there are: Trial Mod, Mod, Super Mod, Admin.


    I also believe VIP and Sponsor should have their own rank PiP and Color too, basically agreeing with what you said. 


    What I urge the most is to have a developer PiP and explicit color. When a new member wants to join this forum, they mostly likely want to know who is in charge quickly or developed the program.




    Too many staff positions, veteran stuff stays, developer PiP possibly

  6. Done it before, I'd do it again.

    what did the girl look like? and which hole did you take? from a scale from 1 to 10, what was your enjoyment level? did you perform your organism inside the girl (guy if you are kinky) or outside? what was your feeling after? did you look at the other guys dickpenisballs? where did you do it? how long did you take? would you have rather preferred doing it with another girl/guy?

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