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Posts posted by oTroll

  1. If you play FO (fantasy online) and still don't know what's happening, Gamer (the owner of FO) is shutting the game down. He has no more time/money to keep the servers running constantly and dealing with FO-related drama. For the FO lovers, that announcement greatly hurt us and one member decided to emerge from the community. He is currently coding a new version of the game, Fantasy Reborn, in C# which will contain what FO had but much more. If you guys played FO before and want to play again just support him and follow his blog: http://skidsdev.blogspot.com/

  2. lolololololol your all black.

    U kno y u got demoted yet?

    @5uck gave me the rank without review, so @Alek took it. I don't blame him though because I didn't deserve it in the first place.

    Are you going to apply for it again or however the process is?



    Do you or Gh0st have irl friends? What is the point of this other than your need for attention.

    You just mad that you get no attention AND have no irl friends lelelelelelelel


    Cutting my wrist atm so angry.


    Good! While you are at it you might as well take out the picture of sand in a bowl in your signature thx.

  4. just randomly started happening, i think i might be something to do with the essence miner script as a few other seems to be working. are there any realiable essence miner sciprt out there?

    I personally believe PseudoEssenceMiner works fine.


    If the case is OSBot 1 scripts to work with OSBot v2 then I don't see why we have to wait 1 more month for OSBot 2, there's really no pressure on the scripters to get it update to OSBot v2 if everyone is working fine.


    OSBot 2 is too immature for a public release at the current moment. We're still integrating the SDN with it and the emulator has JUST begun development. There's also still some bugs with the new async script engine and we still need to document some of the API.


    Could you possibly release some more information about the new script engine and a sample script possibly?

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