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Posts posted by oTroll

  1. Is $100 not worthy?

    You misunderstood, I'm saying just get the 100 donor and sponsor (not lifetime) for an extra 20 bucks, and then after that get lifetime sponsor whenever you can. I'm looking at this from a business POV, you'll attract more customers having both those titles instead of one or the other.

  2. Theres gonna be different orders. In general a basic accounts involves like mountain daughter, lost city, fight arena, tree gnome village , vampire slayer and stats from that. But usually i will add on few extra quests/stats etc...u can pm me on skype or here and set me a quote if u want smile.png

    I've done accounts with mtd, vamp slayer, lost city, rune mysteries, what lies below, and priest in peril with 60/60/65 for 25m per account. How much you are paying for a basic NMZ account? None of those additional quests and stuff.

  3. What script was it?



    Ya I just tried and worked fine for me aswell.

    Private script. I have already contacted him.

    Also I just tested world hopping, hopped about 40 times back to back and it's not forcing me to login screen. I am prevented from hopping too many times but all I'm getting is a message in the chatbox.





    Really? Because I always get booted off hopping too quickly. Take a look at the logger: b8826093995e427bbd79f9cb607cbcd4.png

    • Like 1
  4. Sounds like a script issue if the red screen isn't popping up. You are right, probably stuck in an infinite loop... in the script.

    Ok, thanks for the help Alek, I'll contact the script writer

  5. Auto login is a random  ... thats why the red screen is up.

    Not sure why it doesn't log back in for you

    If I had to guess myself, there has to be an infinite loop ocurring somewhere, since I cant even terminate the script, I have to restart the whole client in order for it to work properly.

  6. I'm not having any issues with not logging back in after hopping so much... 

    I just had to restart one of my clients witnessing this issue less then 10 minutes ago. It was stuck on the login screen, and the red overlay of the Random solver : Auto Login did not even pop up.

  7. Interesting, I never get logged out now. When I hop too quickly it says something along the lines of hopping too quickly in the game chatbox. Is this happening with you too? When did this behavior change?

    No, what I mean by hopping too quickly is there is a limit to how many times you can hop worlds in a certain amount of time. Last time I tested it, it was 13 hops back to back. If you exceed that limit, you get kicked off the game, because you have "attempted too many login attempts." I've been babysitting the bots, and the login event bug rarely occurs, but when it does it locks me out from rerunning a script so I have to restart the client.

  8. 1. OSBot Version (do NOT put "current version", be specific)


    2. A description of the issue. Include relevant logs.

    After you get booted off by the game after world hopping too much in a short amount of time, the Login Event sometimes doesn't execute to log back in.

    3. Are you receiving any errors in the client canvas or the logger? 

    When the login event does execute, the logger mentions that "There has been a connection error! ..." When the login event does not execute, the logger doesn't mention that.

    4. How can you replicate the issue?

    Use a script that hops frequently until you get booted off the game.

    5. Has this issue persisted through multiple versions? If so, how far back

    The login event was working perfectly fine in 2.4.59

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