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Posts posted by oTroll

  1. There is no need for anger my friend. I'm still awaiting that proof of your girlfriend. I could go for a few warning points I guess. Is there an actual rule that says no negativity? Seems like i rustled your jimmies as you took the time to make this nice collage for me. QwPha8E.png appreciate it. I most likely won't be banned since I have not even been warned. But hey if the mods want me to stop I should be warned.

    You're the biggest hypocrite I seen lmfao, you make so many unnecessary comments like telling people to get a life. That's very ironic though because you spend a lot of time on this website criticizing other people for no reason.

    • Like 3

    You need to get out more often. If I were mod I would temp ban you for unhealthy amounts of computer time.

    Is this maybe why you're not a mod?


    The grammar in your sig... it's "Whose" not "Who's"

  3. Whot you think? I get OSD now?

    package com;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import org.osbot.script.*;
    import org.osbot.script.rs2.model.RS2Object;
    @ScriptManifest(name = "WCer", author = "Some Guy", version = 1D, info = "A WCer")
    public class WoodCutter extends Script {
        private int AXE_ID = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter your axe ID. You can use itemdb.biz for this"));
        private States currentState;
        enum States {
            Mining, Dropping;
        public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
            if (!client.getMyPlayer().isUnderAttack() &&
                    !client.getInventory().isFull()) {
                currentState = States.Mining;
            } else
                currentState = States.Dropping;
            switch (currentState) {
                case Mining:
                    return mine();
                case Dropping:
                    return drop();
            return random(20, 25);
        public int mine() throws InterruptedException {
            while (!client.getMyPlayer().isAnimating()) {
                RS2Object Tree = closestObjectForName("Tree");
                Tree.interact(true, "Chop");
            return random(2000, 2500);
        public int drop() throws InterruptedException {
            return random(2000, 2500);
  4. In all honesty, I really don't care who are staff, as long as the job is done I'm happy biggrin.png


    And for Maxi, he might have personal problems that could of caused him to drive into deep depression

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