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Posts posted by oTroll

  1. It's pretty cool, but why would I use yours when I can just go to a more developed web cam website like omegle or chatroulette? Like what are the special features?

  2. Nice graphics, I'll give you that. mald.png


    Nice my buddy is at over 300k, but 50k health also. Sucks when we try to do DZ runs up in 5/6 + incursion, we are reviving him the whole time. I am trying to balance it out about 250k + 100k health within a few weeks. I only have 2 days played, already lvl 62 in DZ + the stats above.

    Damn I have 10 days played, but I'm super low rank in the DZ since I go rogue on whoever I see lol, I lost tons of exp before they updated the rogue status so you lose less exp now. I don't play as much now cause they changed everything since launch, I remember grinding lexington event center on challenging for phoenix credits, and getting a HE drop in the DZ was hype, now its just lame lol.

  3. I run 4 sentry and 2 HEs since I didnt have enough time to do the glitch before it got patched, my dps is like 280k since I have a ton of headshot damage and crit damage modifiers on everything. My health is only like 52k so I'm bit of a glass cannon but if I get a bolt action rifle and I crit on a headshot I almost guarantee kill you.

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  4. Which ones are they? Are the the newer series or are they older? I bought mine a while ago and they came out with better audio apparently.

    Mix'rs came out this year and they have great sound quality, my friends have them. Which ones do you have? I used to have solos and now have solo HDs and trust me there is a huge quality gap.

  5. This honestly makes no sense whatsoever.


    With that logic, every rank will feel superior to you because you have no rank.

    Also, vise versa. Every rank will feel superior to regular members since they have no rank.


    Adding a rank or two as upgrades to an already existing rank won't make much of a difference.


    I have $100 donor.

    I have Lifetime Sponsor.

    I have a verified rank.

    I have CBA.


    I would already feel superior to you, if that were the case. Exchanging my $100 for a $250/$500 wouldn't do much of a difference.

    So a person with $500 donor rank wouldn't feel superior to a person with a $250 one? All the people who have this PiP donated partially because of the PiP. If this weren't the case, then they would donate and not request the PiP at all. And, everyone with a rank is superior to normal members and I recognize anyone with a rank.


    P.S. Most celebrities donate to a charity to develop their fame further. Wouldn't it be the same in this case?

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