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  1. I dont know if I'm the only one experiencing this, but mirror mode is extremely laggy on my macbook M1 ARM processor. I'm experiencing drops to 2-3 fps every 3-4 seconds, its never stable, just constantly lagging. If anyone knows a solution, that would be amazing! EDIT: Okay, I just noticed if I tick the "Disable rendering" it doesnt actually disable rendering, but the fps lags stop. Weird. EDIT2: There are still some lag with this, but not nearly as much. Still nowhere near smooth though.
  2. the script breaks when trying to fish shrimps, it just standing there doing nothing
  3. what would the requirements be for this?
  4. damn dude, you just gave me a great idea! iOS has this built in
  5. no, you named this "(Guide)" Which this has none of. Your title is wrong. Anyhow, I hope that someday in the future we will see this, would love to be able to just have my phone running while im at work botting
  6. After running this 24/7 for 3 weeks, Jagex finally got my bot ^^ Made about 40-45M in total, was a good run
  7. omg, this will be wonderful! looking forward for that release!
  8. my bot is on the 2nd week 24/7 running, F2P, no ban
  9. f2p only Did a test on p2p - just for the fun of it since it had earned enough for a bond anyway.. - one night of loot was approx. 2m, so I wouldn't say its worth it to switch to p2p tbh.. might need more days to test and see if it gets more valuable stuff, but so far - not worth.
  10. Heres another night of loot, I guess I just get my account offline for a little now.. it's been running for 3 days straight getting about 1-2M/day (picture quality is bad cause teamviewer from work) heres a proggy - don't know why G/E prices are off, but its way higher than what it shows:
  11. which world do you guys run it in? :p It seems like I never get any drops, lol ^^ EDIT; ran it for quite a while, runs like a charm, heres what I got ^^ https://prnt.sc/itgpqw
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