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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. sold some btc fast affffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  2. eekekskskssskalllllibuerrrrrrrrr

  3. Sold 62m 07 afff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. we will introduce mouse speed setting with our OSBOT 3 OSBL10 (OSBot Antiban Compliance Level 10) Please be patient
  5. Chris

    VIP Giveaway

    * Winner will be announced 2017-12-24 * How to win: 1. Like this thread 2. Make 1 or more posts (this thread) 3.
  6. JAJAJA estados unidos no manches pinche gringos en la FCC
  7. Yes there is a safespot for blues gave you a trial check the thread manual for the supported safeespots for blue dragons
  8. ETH prefered skype = click on my sig or Discord: Christopher#2820
  9. Have a plat mmr Main account with tons of skins and stuff
  10. V8.8 Added: Black Dragons Lost City Location https://i.imgur.com/PjYvPR2.png GUI option to use the regular walker instead of the webwalker (Now Lowercpu/memory/less stuck problems) Applicable to (Taverly & Lost City modes at this time.) Added Items to the GUI Expansion 2 Updated: Custom Antiban Compliance Methods (Now profiled by your Bot accounts instead of forum profile) Adjusted interaction issues in certain modes Adjusted Bank task: Withdrawing proper doses in certain modes (Extended anti / Prayer potions) Updated the GUI Expansion 2 with some starter options Brutal Dragons BETA update Other script cleanup & maintence
  11. if u just browse and game a bit get ryzen My build: i5 6600k gtx 950 Noctua air cooler low profile Corsair 250D itx some pro itx mobo SSD / HDD 16GB ram Does me just fine.
  12. sold gold affffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  13. shud have told me bro just sold 60$ BTC
  14. Sold 20m fast afffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  15. When you purchases the script you can use it unlimited times. There are no instances but the client does limit you to 2 bots per non premium VIP. To run more than 2 bots you will need to purchase VIP from the store.
  16. What do you mean killed? Which mode?
  17. Sold 108M 07 Fast AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Script users consist of GDK / BlueDK
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