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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. We stopped dealing with the verification & the discord. It was maldestos decision to remove the verification. You will have to PM him to fix the discord settings to allow you to browse the discord.
  2. After reviewing the hidden evidence and taking into consideration @nicksep information, I have come to a decision. @Bhombdabs You have 19 hours left to refund 103m 07 or you will be banned.
  3. I have warned @Bhombdabs of the dispute. Hopefully we can resolve this issue. in the mean time can you provide the skype contact ID?
  4. well i only have three scripts
  5. If you are using a proxy make sure it is SOCKS5 else check if there was a game update or check if you firewall is blocking osbot
  6. Chris


    Hello @erik2020
  7. Please note global OSBot T.O.S. always apply in addition to this one, and personal T.O.S. can be declared obsolete at a moderators discretion.
  8. just do getContext().getGrandExchange().buyItems(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1); and if you need any empty box private GrandExchange.Box getUnusedBox(){ for (GrandExchange.Box box : GrandExchange.Box.values()) { if (getContext().getGrandExchange().getStatus(box) == GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY) return box; } return GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1; }
  9. does not have muling yet. Read the main page about trials
  10. I never understood why it was "cool" to shit on Java. I learned Java in AP CS (actually got the highest grade in my class, I actually did extra assignments because I got bored of finishing the projects faster and with far less effort than the normies, I even got physically ill when I saw how sloppy some of their code was) in highschool. I've done tons of data analysis, game writing, complex problem solving, and other advanced techniques with Java even though I'm only a freshman college student, and the best part is... I'm not even a CS major, this stuff just comes so easily to me! I've never had want for more features, if I ever have any issue I'm always able to just... program around it like anyone should be able to. I've tried C++, C, and python. The C-languages were basically the same thing as Java but with different syntax and a few extra features, I could easily switch to them but I like challenging myself to do things without those extra features, it's a mental exercise which alleviates some of the tedium in most of the projects I'm tasked with. Python is utter garbage, it barely has a decent way to use arrays, has no features, and it always ends up taking up more screen space than anything I could write in a legitimate language because apparently a newline and a tab are legitimate separator characters. Python is basically written for 5-year-olds who have no semicolon key (; for any pythonners here) on their keyboard. I think the only reason google uses it is because they don't want to pay for decent programmers who are able to comprehend legit programming languages. Java did nothing wrong. /shitpost
  11. try { return npcs.closest(mob); } catch (NullPointerException n) { log("Unable to find a " + mob); return null; } null check ur shit plz ExchangeContext(); camelCasing plz
  12. Sold 85m 07 afffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  13. Please note global OSBot T.O.S. always apply in addition to this one, and personal T.O.S. can be declared obsolete at a moderators discretion.
  14. Chris

    Questing Service

    Please note global OSBot T.O.S. always apply in addition to this one, and personal T.O.S. can be declared obsolete at a moderators discretion.
  15. why is the fbi knocking on my door dude!
  16. open the file you get from osbot with Java 8 Download Java 8 if you not have
  17. You want an active Script Developer over a well-known . So you know you will always have fixed scripts ?
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