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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Triumf

  1. , about to pm for tips man GRATZ
  2. holy mcshit, you have my full support mate
  3. i own 2 of them petrol R/C cars, like this one
  4. let me have some of that man?
  5. account username was "Autz" lol look at 1st pic closely ;)
  6. following for sure buddy, goodluck im sure ill be right by your side the whole way through anyways
  7. i sold 10 of these recently, however the MAIN selling point was that there was 0% chance of a recovery from me as there were never recovs, any security info .. and especially and most importantly no email set on them EVER. I hadn't even logged into them ^.^ goodluck with your sales i hope you are successful!
  8. wait what am i replying to?isn't it all sorted?
  9. holy shit! fully recovered it. finally, alright fah q message me on skype when your ready for it
  10. I just remembered ... when we made the trade, you even stated that you were on a public computer that you did not trust ... http://gyazo.com/954ccd5d62f481916a038eab91e3a249 http://gyazo.com/c1b6f98ddd57115a648b55f2122eeb16
  11. Sorry, i do not have a time frame i can say just now, my real life and my family have 100% priority and there are things happening with my family that i really cant say, but like i said im not going to let this be a burden on what i have to do outside of this game. so as of a time frame im not sure
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