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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Triumf

  1. Triumf

    My Mauler

    fair enough, and goodluck getting these stats in 3 days man .. if you could then your a champ. thanks for the pc looks like i'll never ever sell the acc :P
  2. Triumf

    My Mauler

    ahh makes sense and surely that's not accurate?
  3. Triumf

    My Mauler

    how does a past ban affect the future of account?
  4. Triumf

    My Mauler

    uhh, it has been temp banned for 3 days .. that was like months ago :L .. have not botted since
  5. Triumf

    My Mauler

    I created the account before 2010, therefore it is a veteran. with username login. hit me with some estimations purely based on account it self, no wealth involved.
  6. add my skype so we can have a chat if your interesting in taking on my requested service
  7. [color=#ffffff]Service Requested: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/71428-need-power-leveling-done-right-now/ Have you contacted Crimson: no How many accounts: look in thread What kind(s) of XP we can gain: ilook in thread Prayer level: look in thread Defense level: look in thread Order deadline (if any): look in thread Do you agree to our Terms of Service: yes Do you understand that you may NOT edit this post, you must re-post this form for any changes: yes [/color] and i'm just curious .. as to why all of your staff have 0 post count? not really an attractive thing to see when trusting people with your account :$
  8. tyyy small updates, i will do it when i format my PC its got viruses -_-
  9. it's working for around 10-15 minutes then does that error
  10. updated post please read maybe you will understand now
  11. hey i was wondering how i can bot 2 accounts on the mirror bot without it timing me out for using the same ip address? im not really sure whats happening if someone could help me resolve this i would greatly appreciate it ACTUAL ERROR [ERROR][bot #1][04/25 07:45:40 PM]: There has been a connection error! You may have too many accounts logged in under the same ip, already have an account logged in, or a general connection issue to the game server.
  12. if you could though .... thanks buddy
  13. thank you mate, let's just say i didn't buy VIP for the purple name Thanks! thanks!
  14. thanks man! i hope it works out
  15. This is what i will be starting with, along with 2 fresh lvl 3 accounts! Let's see what we can achieve IT HAS BEGUN! To Be Updated.
  16. no way i would bot on this account mate!
  17. when i try to use any AutoFighter scripts, it can not read there are any npcs near by. anything to help me please?
  18. yeah bro :L so sorry didnt read prev comments!
  19. hello what would you charge to get 55 slayer on account with: 1 Attack 70ish Strength 40ish Defence 1 Prayer 1 Ranged ( You can train it to 55 with slayer ) 1 Magic ( You can train it to 55 with slayer )
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