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Trade With Caution
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About PoopSoup

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  1. Wtf lol. Who are you?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RoomScape


      Sure, why not?

    3. PoopSoup


      Make me giggle plz

    4. RoomScape


      'You haven't had fb in a while so here's fb' or something along those lines.

  2. PoopSoup


    that means you wish he would get laid which is good so..
  3. Won't let me pm I need to provide proof that I have the gold to staff to sell it? What kind of rule is this I don't see the pont at all. I have yet to find someone that isn't undercutting me several hundred dollars so can you reopen thread and delete every non offer post ,thanks. And I will not be trading a staff member and showing my bank.. Do not see the point of this and I'm not letting people know who I am in game especially at the rate these hosts have been banned. Trading a staff member who has probably rwted before on that ip will probably set off some red flags at jagex.. And no one has ever been asked to "prove they have the gold to a staff member"
  4. Your giving a warning that im going to scam because you think the picture is fake??? Are you serious? It doesnt matter if the picture is real or fake since I would be going first in any situation? The point of the picture was just to show off. " ... when it comes to scamming" there is absolutely no reason for you to think this a scam but you obviously think you have everything figured out here is a picture Jealous prick Gtfo my thread
  5. Another point, you made a thread about commission staking 50 minutes before you posted this; quite the coincidence don't you think how commission staking has gone and you with zero feedback just springs up out of nowhere. This doesnt make any sense at all. You named two things that are irrealvent and obviously you didnt read the thread You are obviously looking for someone who is not as experienced in the market as the likes of divicia and arcus to come along and say they will send you money first through something other than paypal so they cannot charge back when you give them fuck all. dsfasd I dont know why your saying this, I never expected to go first to anyone and really isnt any of your bussiness how i conduct my own shit. even though it is none of your bussiness, I have never dealt with either arcus or divica and never even heard about them. Ive sold gold about 6 times in my life all to friends/ people on twitch so im sorry i dont really know how this works. Why did you even comment? To warn people not to go first to me? Do you think people are braindead? srs stop flaming people when you have no idea what your talking about at all
  6. Make an app that shows people how to make their own apps lol A cool tutorial that will allow the user to design their own app and have ads pop up all over the place. Make it cost like 4.99$ to remove the ads and some other features any serious learner would pay it lol
  7. probably saying it sucks to be me since i lost 600m lol http://osbot.org/forum/topic/63102-selling-1200m-07-gp/
  8. ?ok you can't just say that and not explain why
  9. I sold like 250m a while back to a bunch of people and I was trading by rock caking to 2 hp and pickpocketing men and they telegrabbed the gp lol.. Not sure if it would work now that jagex is probably watching my account
  10. wasn't trying to do that and after reading my post I can see how it sounds douchy lol ik visual basic wheres my life changing experience
  11. lol do you get commission or something, will look into it thanks
  12. expecting to take quite a while to get rid of all of this lol hope i dont get baned
  13. I didn't either, almost every single rank in every cc was a money hungry douche bag expect for me ofcourse
  14. Idk how much gold prices are so offer me Jagex is probably watching my account right now and all of my mules have been getting banned even with drop trading and telegrabbing so im not sure how we should trade, any suggestions? That being said, im not going to sell people 5m gold Also not taking paypal since anyone can call back and say item was not delivered and no questions asked since its virtual, thanks for the heads up lol bank in its prime R.I.P.
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