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Everything posted by Dashboard

  1. Dashboard


    This is old. People do this at GE all the time
  2. Dashboard


    When the puking slows down, try to eat something small and take some medication to calm down your stomach. I'm no doctor, but that's what my friends do when they get like this... lightweights eh
  3. This may be the script to beat SSF. Guess it's time to quit while I'm ahead
  4. I sincerely hope this is a troll. Here's a good resource, masturbation is actually healthy and reduces your risk of cancer - http://jackinworld.com/
  5. Today's a great day for OSBot. Glad to see you back bud.
  6. It happened to me too. http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/88-superscript-factory/
  7. Good luck with your non-botting adventures.
  8. Dashboard

    OSBot 2.1.11

    W385.. Jagex is onto us
  9. I'd suggest not botting more than 8 hours at a time, otherwise you're just asking for ban.
  10. Dashboard

    OSBot 1.8.14

    Thank you Maxi.
  11. June 3rd - , @Perplexity, @rsjofaa, @somepoe, @Epsilon, @boizero
  12. Payouts will be between June 7th and 10th.
  13. You can apply for another 3 day free trial if you'd like.
  14. http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/house.swf http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/house.swf
  15. Your birthday is wrong
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