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Everything posted by Dashboard

  1. I made a Puush Dumper a few months ago. Multi threaded and everything. http://superscriptfactory.com/downloads/PuushDumper1_0.jar
  2. He's trying to find the period of your wave so he can insert the d value into your equation.
  3. Private scripts are a great way to reduce bans.
  4. This is probably going to go down as one of the biggest single graphic transactions in OSBot history. $80.00 USD Thanks @Dex Any criticisms / suggestions for the 2015 banner?
  5. Our winners @qw3 @midlifcrisis @midlifcrisis @midlifcrisis @guywithlsd - You actually beat Swizz's top fishing progress report @Tyler You will all receive private messages in the near-future regarding the 2m / screenshot reward.
  6. Dashboard

    OSBot 2.1.10

    Thank you sir. This was much needed.
  7. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Heraldic_kiteshield_(Construction) Paint your kiteshield, and then I'm pretty sure you get to keep it on death (I seen SparcMac was doing this).
  8. SuperScript Factory. 95% of F2P methods can be botted with it.
  9. May 31st - @boxcuttapazzy, @FletchingNL, , , , @Nezz, @Wizard, @updeitti2, @Runescape99
  10. http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/Super_Spice_Bros_2.swf
  11. You'll get your trial in the next 20 minutes.
  12. The competition is ending at midnight tonight! Winners will be announced tomorrow.
  13. http://osbot.org/forum/index.php?app=members&section=view&module=list&filter=3
  14. Lots of love to Anne, SSF, and Smart, but I'd say my favourite ex staff would have to be @Raflesia.
  15. As a regular Joe who isn't overly critical of art, I think it looks pretty professional and soothing to the eyes. My only criticism is the "Staff needed". All that'll do for you is get you a bunch of power hungry 11 year olds on your server.
  16. Pizza? Send it over my way and he gets super admin.
  17. @Volta has been added to the May 26th trial run.
  18. @shai, @Justin12785, @Enjoy, @atuunaf, @Salmano, @Lolpol123, @981chipmonk Should now have SSF.
  19. I wish you the best of luck
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