The differences between this and SSF:
It's a typed language rather than selected from menus
It would have the capability of grabbing all methods from the OSBot API without my approval with short cuts
It would have a larger number of functions that aren't accessed via reflection on the OSBot API (our own API for the language with a manual).
It would have a more in-depth paint builder
It would support variables
It would support conditions in contrast to gotos
It would support while/for type loops in contrast to gotos
It would be faster to use for those who are experienced
It would have the capability of exporting to Jar format, making it submittable to the local scripts sections and the OSBot SDN
The differences between this and Java
USL is a dedicated language specifically for making scripts on OSBot, so it would generally be much faster to start projects and make scripts
It will be easier to learn than Java, and could lay a good foundation for new programmers
There will be built in tools to assist with script creation
We'll have a built-in network that handles the distribution of bot clients to lower ban rates
If this language has a small monthly fee, there will be customer support workers who are paid to get you started
You won't need to learn how to use a Java IDE or need to download JDK