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Everything posted by Dashboard

  1. The best advice that I can give you is the following: - Use private scripts, this way your accounts won't be behaving exactly like 100s of others - Be creative with what you're botting. Jagex is obviously watching fishing, there are some good 200k+/h methods out there with little or no requirements that very few bot.
  2. Dashboard

    SOTW 20

    Good luck everybody I was actually just playing Mortal Kombat last night on the N64 o.o
  3. You need to be creative, don't go bot fishing, woodcutting, or any of that. Find an item that isn't being botted that you can snatch up.
  4. So I paid PolishCivil $1 to change his name. After I paid him he refused to change it. I posted a dispute. Tl;dr I got scammed. Totally worth it.
  5. Swizzbeat 4 Maldesto
  6. Well for starters we don't generally make big scripts in one class (file) anymore
  7. All 3 of those are dead giveaways for Jagex Try being a little more creative and you'll never get banned.
  8. Inb4 $1000 donor
  9. It really matters which scripts you use. If you use a private script / use something like SSF where you customize just about everything, there's a very low ban rate unless you're doing something stupid like chopping yews. Mind telling us where you've been banned at?
  10. Dashboard

    SOTW 19 Voting

    #3 looks beast but my gut likes #1 better. They all look fantastic except for #4 which is fantastically hilarious.
  11. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/50283-superscript-factory-proggy-competition/
  12. Hello everybody, I'm in need of media for my thread as I'd like to demonstrate what SSF truly is about. So I'm going to throw a progress report competition that starts today and ends on May 31st 2014. I will pick the 7 best progress reports (based on my personal opinion), and they will all go on my thread. If you do not win, your screenshot will not go on my thread unless I pm you with a cash offer. All winners will receive 2m OSGP or $5.00. You can submit multiple winning screenshots (ex 3 wins = 6m). Example screenshot If you do not own SuperScript Factory you can purchase it here: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/88-superscript-factory/
  13. My name is Dashboard and I support this message. We need to match all of the "Is OSBot online?", "Is flax botting safe", and all the other stupid things people say.
  14. Dashboard

    Ande's Quester

    Looks great, but have fun converting it all to OSBot 2
  15. Time's up. You'll get your scripts shortly.
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