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  1. Can i get a trial for APA Sand Crabs please
  2. Dismzn


    Can i get a trial of this script please
  3. Dismzn


    Requesting any ironman in exchange for a 50 attack 90 str pure with 80 range and a few other stats + firecape literally asking for any ironman thats within reason discord: SCSP#5472
  4. Accounts got banned - waiting on payday to resupply
  5. Didnt suicide these accs it was more like 6m in 6 hours
  6. First Day complete: Profit: N/A
  7. Hey Guys, I've been looking at starting up farms now for a while and i figured that this would be my best bet so far, I'm using a premium script on a method that used to be really popular but has since died down, I'm going to run this method on one acc for today to get a feel for how long it takes to get banned and how much gp/h i can make. Day 1 Tutorial Island Ready Accs; 50 Accounts being botted: 1 Accounts banned: N/A Profit (Today): 550k Status: Testing. ^ If account get banned i will minus it from profit. Day 2 Accounts being botted: 4 ( All for 7h) Proxys bought: 1 Accounts banned: N/A Profit (Today): 6M Status: Running. --- Total Spent: 40M Total Made so far: 6M
  8. "Stealth Quester" Has a bot where you can get to 7qp, Also has like 40 other quests
  9. Dismzn

    Complete Orber

    Problems. 1) Eat at HP doesnt matter - Tried on 20hp account even though 40 is recommended and tps at 18hp... Even when set on lowest setting. 2) Takes out all air orbs, Deposits one, takes out food, eats, gets air orb back out. - Can we do this aswell as before taking out air orbs, Regenerate hp then bank and take out all air orbs then continue with trip. 3) When attacked by chaos druids it stops and attacks back. 4) More support? Staminas are expensive, Maybe provide support for energy pots - when you finish a trip > run to clan wars portal > leave clanwars > tp to edge > bank > continue... - Doesn't support all stamina pot doses aswell... 5) Support all hp levels? 6) Sometimes missclicks location for trapdoor therefore messing up. Very unstable atm imo. Edit: I've been running for 30 minutes and the bot hasn't even completed one trip yet, It seems to get confused with routes and it has a set amount of hp to tp out on, We should be able to change this amount for example on a 20hp acc tp out at 3 hp but it seems to be something silly like 18 so even if i get hit by a skeleton it tps out. Will not be using this script until this is fixed and would advise against buying it in the mean time as it is still really unstable, I even got my hp to level 30 and this still occurs. OP fix please.
  10. Dismzn

    Complete Orber

    Just bought this, Will update on the status of the account later on. Aswell as this ill provide a proggy
  11. Can i get a trial for this please?, Thanks
  12. Dismzn


    How much for: 50 att 70 str and 70 range 50 att and 70 str
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