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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Bubble

  1. Yea, fishing at catherby is a high watched place
  2. but why at flax? It's almost banable doing legit :p Anyways, I will follow this thread and see how it goes!
  3. What were you guys botting?
  4. Good luck, keep us updated ;)
  5. Bubble


    Agree, where is it? :P
  6. Happened earlier this week for me, but doesn't do it anymore
  7. Fail @ multiple accounts :p Anyways, did you bot all accounts on same IP?
  8. Spent 0, never cared about skins really
  9. Damn, that sucks, but jagex is cracking down on bots atm, sadly
  10. Get 50 thieving and sell the acc to me :p
  11. Bubble

    OSBot 2.1.10

    Thanks for another update!
  12. Depends if you want to lose the account or no, if you don't care about it, then just keep botting
  13. No chances for I could get my chips out for gold now?
  14. Yea, I also lost 45M Any way that I could get them or contact joopi?
  15. Bubble

    Road to Ban

    Come trade me the logs
  16. If they are on same IP, then yea
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