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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Then i'll ask Dex to issue an IP ban. Let's see if this numb skull knows how to vade. Sorry for your loss, I hope him losing VIP early sdn scripts was worth scamming a private script
  2. Saiyan


    I wouldn't agree with this view but I know someone who gold farms off fletching with a highly efficient script (ge support and everything) and they get 300k+ gold not 1m that's unrealistic lol and that's at the highest tier level 85 (99 fletching or what not doesnt speed up the processs or anything anyway so once you get 85 theoretically you're maxed in a sense that u can do anything
  3. Closing this since u got it to work but yeah in the future just use imgur links file uploading hasnt always worked for me tbh
  4. New fap material for gh0st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Saiyan

    praise me

    dutchies cannot be praised
  6. Last cod i played was bo3 and i only played it for a month then i quit cause it became cancer and when i heard they did what advanced warfare did (release guns in supply drops) i gave away my bo3 lul I honestly stopped playing cod/enjoying it since bo2/mw3
  7. Maybe Jagex just caught ya bro I think it's luck lol
  8. Battlefield 1, CSGO, League and finally, RS3
  9. Saiyan


    but she has cancer bro
  10. You can't just say you want something then cancel when the guy puts in hours to create it? What are you going to do about all those hours he wasted? What if it was you? If you refuse to pay you'll be banned simple solution, you're going to pay or you're going to get banned and you can kiss your SDN scripts goodbye along with your osbot account
  11. Simple checks will improve this script by plentifold 1) check if we have runes what's the the point if it spam clicks a spell if we don't have have runes that's like shooting yourself in the foot. E.g if(getInventory().contains("Law rune","Air rune") && check if equipments weapon slot contains staff of water && getMagic().canCast(Spells.NormalSPells.FALADOR_TELEPORT { long lawCount = getInventory().getAmount("Law runes"); then cast the spell and cond sleep and return that getImventory().getAmount("Law rune") < lawCount Sorry ignore some things are incorrect i wrote this out on my phone at 9am
  12. i tried but i couldn't get it up
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