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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. xd if ur being sarcasm i sarcasm ur ban appeal
  3. I found out your name baby, I want to yes
  4. is gay and hot

  5. Do people host in rimmington im 26 con lol so i cant galtar myself
  6. why does this sound like a scam D:
  7. thats the whole point of me asking xd
  8. how long would it take (estimation) to get 60-70 mining iron ore powermining with shift drop or motherload 58-70 agil (58-60 with fally cuz wild is full of cunts) 60-70 seers 26-85 con 44-70 pray - dbones g altar running yanille bank xD P.S this is not me requesting a service its me asking how long each task would take in irl hours
  9. Alright, I'm going to pass this onto Dex or Solution as they both can speak dutch. But before I do that I just want to highlight a few things: 1) the Skype convo they had went like this : they win the 500m and the guy wants to eend to trade him the cash back eend tell the guy he already traded the guys acount "jan sobieski" which he did not as showed in the pictures. How did they deduce that he never muled off the money himself? Did you not have pictures of you showing the 500m on his account before logging off? 2) He noticed the mistake i made and started extorting me with making a dispute against him unless i traded over money, not 500m or half of it. i refused because im not going to let that happen and he made a dispute against me as a result. What do you mean by this exactly ^, are you trying to say that he took advantage of you because you no longer confirmed it was his money after each time he traded you over x amount of money for you to stake with it and then he wanted you to give the full winnings and not allow you to take comission? Anyways I'll let Solution or Dex handle this one.
  10. Disregard that, I spoke to the staff and we agreed on allowing you to do this but you must include and let all of your buyers know that you have the potential to recover their account anytime in the future if the ban is lifted/ if the service is successful. This should be made aware to all those who purchase this. Thanks
  11. You cannot sell accounts.
  12. Placed him in TWC for now and will ask him for his side of the story. Could you translate it for me also, I don't want to use google translate because we know how unreliable that can be
  13. Hey theres nothing wrong with burnt stuff..
  14. Still waiting on a mod from that forum to respond, sorry for the inconvenience, i'll ask another one if I have to also.
  15. Unfortunately my friend, you added an impostor because his real skype is: Im really sorry this happened to you but I hope you now know to confirm always on OSBot and make sure they physically tell you their skype. Sorry for your loss.
  16. Still waiting on Dust to confirm.
  17. Also adding on from that from looking at his ip's, he doesn't seem to be hacked because there's only one single IP which is obviously his real ISP and it matches out with his paypal billing address.
  18. Use the full template, i.e payment methods, conditions, OO repost a acc topic
  19. Best youtuber 10/10 content 

  20. Saiyan


    TWC on here because i have it on sythe for botting an account TWC on here because i have it on sythe for botting an account TWC on here because i have it on sythe for botting an account That's why you're TWC because you can't be trusted to do something legit.
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