@Dashboard made that script, he planned to release Macrosuit, a similar script, afterwards but ran into some issues.
Eventually the plans to release a script like that were off the table and never spoken of again. Pretty sure it's not allowed anymore now.
Not much we can do.
He doesn't have a premium hunter script nor does he have access to our mirror mode client.
He took full desktop screenshots when he was asked to and sent you those within the same minute, on those screenshots the OSBuddy client is visible and some of the ingame messages with the level gained.
There were 2 days between the end of the service and the ban. The customer could've easily botted that himself.
@pauliokas123, @Get Rekt fired you from his service due to the circumstances and he has the right do so. He paid you your full deposit back so there are no grounds for a negative feedback for @Get Rekt as far as I can see.
The dispute will be closed and the negative feedback from @Get Rekt will be removed.
He sent you the download link of the script, you tested it and said it was working fine.
If you want I can login to your account again and screenshot your own pms with @Get Rekt
Meh, you would be surprised what some people are capable of, or rather not capable.
I can easily create an announcement in the section, I'll do it right now, but I just don't think it's going to matter.