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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by TheRealSwaps

  1. wasnt there to get them their capes XD
  2. Will be going on a week break from 4th of July. Get your orders in before hand!
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ senpai knows all
  4. soz too much porn on mine to delete.
  5. need good rates offer
  6. Disputed member: Thread Link: thread was closed and sends to error Explanation: Paid 3.9m for works that was not up to standard, member said he could replicate something and he didnt. Evidence: I told him to make something like this. http://gyazo.com/066086084eedfe2b2ee9d38c832bd410 he agreeds and says he can do this http://gyazo.com/e4975280107134a90a9a8a3344aa2fcd he then comes back with this http://gyazo.com/d23b96eaa0b80b363cf347d6bdb88008 ....looks so much like I requested , right? He continues to send me more of these really bad texts that look nothing like I requested. this was his final link to me http://prntscr.com/71reb0 It still looks nothing like what I requested , I just wanted the text but he couldnt do it. http://gyazo.com/2444df465fb9aca45563ff3681b58373 I request Dex handle this case as he handled a earlier dispute. Its a pretty old case but I gave him time to refund like he said he would but he hasnt. his profile http://gyazo.com/70fac163a582fd14b4fe7a0d926dbfb8
  7. Ive heard @Virmach runs some good ones.
  8. You never know who's watching
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