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  1. I would say 80%+ lose money botting, 15% make miniscule amounts, and the other 5% Wont want to talk to you or share anything. The only way to make substaintial amounts of money it needs automation. I would definately try prove a concept of running 20 bots for a few months before thinking deep end. Its easy to manage a handful of accounts and bans dont hurt, but losing your entire farms to random bans if youve bought accounts will cost you. I only assume you have not proven a concept as you have never sold gold before. I wish you luck, but I have seen this go worng and cost people alot.
  2. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-use-remote-desktop-5fe128d5-8fb1-7a23-3b8a-41e636865e8c#:~:text=Use Remote Desktop to connect,)%2C and then select Connect. You just need windows 10/11 Pro
  3. Would you be interested in any of the following. 1 account is username loging 12+ years old. The other probably 5-10 years old and the other atleast a few years old. All have 2 day bans, some may be quashed. I can look further into this if interested.
  4. I got perm macro major before i even got the account back from the 2 day ban. hence why i posted. just unusual. I'm guessing i got detected by system for macro major, and ban was being delayed, and i got manual banned and as soon. So my temp ban expired, and the delayed perm kicked in.
  5. Anyone know what happened here, or had this happen to them? Pretty unusual as i had 6 accounts, identical stats, identical tasks. But for some odd reason obly this account got a macro major, before it was unbanned. All other accounts are fine. All run on a proxy each, could this one proxy be flagged? Idk pretty bizzare. They were 6 air orb bots, 2 got banned early on, 4 lasted a few more days. All had received bot busting moderate bans. NOTE: I dont care about the accounts just curious why was this one account targeted and has it happned to others?
  6. I havnt found any increase in bans after a 2 day ban. But i can say, if you are even asking this question. dont bot it, you will get your second ban maybe tmmrw, next week, next month or if your lucky, next year. You will have wasted all that time, and by the sounds it will prolly upset you. I still bot mains as a hobby, and just go until banned for fun, but sounds like you care about this account. As said before, just pay someone to level your acc. or start a new bott account. i reccomend make a pk build even if you arnt into pking, as when you get your 2 day ban, you will still be left with something to have fun on
  7. ***EDIT Bot is OK, i had 32bit java installed somehow. and memory was maxing out at 512mb and for some reason this bot seems to use about 850mb. bot works ok, only thing i can say it uses quite alot of cpu for a simple bot. Also when it dies by a pker, and has 2 bones left in inventory & vurning ammy, it will tele back to use the 2 bones then suicide again to bank. inefficient. but works ok
  8. Dylaster4

    Stealth NMZ

    Magic shortbow (i) only requires 50% special attack. Only the normal MSB was nerfed to 55% along time ago(when the scroll came out). Make sure to purchase a imbue scroll if you wish to use special attack with MSB
  9. Mod ash comes to your house and spanks your bottom 1 time for each bot script he find installed on your PC
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