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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Do police often stop you more to ask where your going or become suspicious of you?


    Most racist stranger you have encountered?


    Tits or ass?


    Favorite food and why?


    Are you proud to call yourself African American? 


    Would you feel life would be much more different for you if you were born under a different color?


    Choose one and the other goes extinct: Watermelon or fried chicken?


    Do people expect you to smoke mad weed and spit ill bars on the spot because of stereotypes?

  2. oh look a forum full of a bunch of people who play Runescape giving their $0.02 about girls......... trollface 


    don't be jealous we make fat stacks and get that sweet, sweet 2D runescape punani doge.png

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  3. Just got called a gay loving muslim sand ******** today by some crazy, brainwashed left wing Christian middle-aged mom while working at my retail job today. Really wasn't having any of it and I told her to fuck off, manager gave me a high five at how rude and nasty this girl was acting. Her kids apologized profusely after the she-beast stormed out of the store but how the fuck can this kind of behavior be excusable, for a grown adult no less? AT A KID LIKE ME!?


    It's times like this where I really just want to move away from this shitshow of a country we call America.

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