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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. how often should people clean their computer? and how to do 

    at the moment i just get rid of the dust on my dust filter with a hoover every few months 


    For me personally my room get's pretty dusty since there isn't a lot of ventilation for my section of the house so I end up cleaning my rig 3 times every year.


    Good ol can of air compressor will do wonders for your computer.

  2. Probably a dead PSU. Try finding a friend and use theirs or just buy another (same/greater wattage ofc).


    If the new PSU works and the old one doesn't = old PSU is dead, replace.


    If the new and old PSU don't work = MoBo probably shot, highly unlikely but happened to my custom build before like around a year ago.


    P.S. It's a lot cheaper building your own computer instead of having some company overcharge you.

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