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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. Man I thought that you were a cool guy with your Saber signature I can't believe that you disappointed me like this


    benno pls </3


    do u take gfs from belgium?


    depends if she can double my gp and has 99 cooking 

  2. help no grills.. how to? plz fren


    If your ugly and incompetent you can do the following: dress better, work out, have good hygiene, put on some decent deodorant + cologne, and practice your social skills.


    i have no friends


    Go out and make some, join a club or activity your interesting in, go clubbing (get a fake id if your underage), go to festivals and other music events. You'll find that group of people eventually, trust me.


    I have a wicked itch on my nads


    Scratch them. If the itching persists after putting anti-itch cream do consider seeing a doctor.


    my dad went out to get beer a year ago and never came back, did he leave me or did he just get lost and is running his way back trying as hard as he can to find me? 









































    Don't worry m8 he's just looking for his cigarettes now.

  3. You feel frustrated? Have no one to vent to? Or you just want someone to talk to about daily life struggles, or just want some advice?

    Feel free to post or pm me and I'll be happy to listen (or read technically).

  4. I tell this to anyone I've ever met and no one believes me, it's been happening ever since I was a kid. Basically in my dream I'd be doing something really random like doing homework or washing dishes or be in the middle of some activity, and when the actual activity happens, it's a complete 1 to 1 replica of my dream and just gives me a complete déjà vu moment.

  5. Interesting question and neat ability.


    I guess my special "ability" would basically be the ability to overcome adversity in essentially any form. Without going into much detail my entire life has been pretty crazy and at a young age I always had to rise above whatever life threw at me. Makes the Phoenix part of my name quite fitting doesn't it?


    story time


    sucking a good dick


    what if the dick is bad

  6. Everyone has something unique to them that makes them special in some way. For me it's always been really good at ad-libbing. Always came in handy when I had to do a presentation unprepared, tell a great story on the spot, or bullshit an authority figure really well. It really comes in handy from time to time.

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