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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. I love it and been around it ever since I was a little child. I've probably seen over 200 shows and I'm not even bullshitting on that statistic. But one thing I've really hated about it is the fans are so fucking weird and obsessed over some shows that it just detracts from the whole experience and makes me afraid of telling other people that I like anime.


    Most people get the impression that anime is 2D underage naked girls frolicking all over the screen 24/7. Now don't get me wrong, there are definitely shows out there that pander to that group of viewers, but there are so many other great shows such as Samurai Champloo or the Fate Series or Steins;Gate that disprove that stereotype. But unfortunately most people immediately think to all the negatives because there are a big group of anime fans that are fuckin' freaks that become waaaaaay too obsessed over their show and ruin it for everyone else.


    Before anyone asks, my favorite show at the moment is probably Fate/Zero and if you want to check it out, I highly recommended it.

    • Like 2
  2. By the way guys, I was joking... You really think I'd condemn to the lowest of agreeing to use nuclear weapons on innocent people? HELL NO...  I have seen a lot of messed up things in my life, women who had been messed up by their own husbands, friend who have died, do you really think I'd be serious about creating a Nuclear war...


    But for the comments who actually created an argument I'm glad you did NoahThewisewolf but for the majority of people who just used the word 'Autistic' to describe a freedom of speech have no morals, and to the other people who seem to not understand that innocent people die everyday need to grasp the fact of war, because it is soon to be on the horizon and it's better to be ready and accept that then uses ridiculous statements about innocent people dying when this happens from day to day.


    Or you just realized everything you said was dumb as fuck and now your trying to save face by saying "twas all a joke guys haha."


    Fuck outta here with your bullshit.

  3. Agreed I'm so tired of the US getting involved with all this shit in the Middle East. But I doubt it and we're probably going to invade them under the pretense of either Terrorism/ISIS/Some crazy fucker ruling there, meanwhile we're mainly there just to get more oil and other abundant resources native to the region.

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  4. Probably wake up from the dream and realize your a crazy schizophrenic in a mental institute and then probably go back to having my delightful conversation with Genghis Khan and Bill Clinton about conquering Antarctica. 

  5. Perhaps this has to do with Java's GC?

    Does it seem to happen with a particular script?


    I'd have no idea if Java's GC would be the issue or not, but I've been using a multitude of scripts ranging from most skill area's; including both free and premium scripts and yet I still get the same issue provided enough time has passed.


    Although I did notice that with the amount of bots I'm concurrently running at the same time and it seems that if you run the client with a lesser amount of bots, it is less likely to lag up as frequently and often in comparison to running a bot farm. This is all subjective though as this was just a side thought and I'd have to do more tests to see if this was a valid theory and find out if there are any other underlying factors playing into the issue.

  6. It's been on and off with each new update but I've noticed if I leave the client running for at least a minimum of 3 hours and come back to it later, it becomes very unresponsive and lag like. The issue is only temporarily and lasts for 5-10 minutes maximum, but it is quite annoying  when it does happen.

  7. i do drugs all the time, if you know how to do them right they arent a problem. I stand for legalization, regulation will increase both quality and price, so im not sure where i stand on that.


    Most people don't have the self control to moderate drug usage. Plus most people who get introduced into this lifestyle already have an addictive personality/mindset, so even the term "drugs" gives a bad stigma behind it and people who aren't educated about the topic will just be plain ignorant and spew bullshit about topics they have no idea about.


    That being said if drugs were to get legalized anytime soon I'd go on the biggest bender and probably overdose within the first hour.

  8. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Fagex controlled the majority of RWT/gold selling RS sites, if not at least the most popular, to secure more income for the game or more pocket change for themselves.


    But yeah fuck all those virgins, keep making new accounts and use a VPN from now on.

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