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Posts posted by ANIMA VESTRA

  1. As a user, just imagine it as: Scripters do not have to hard code paths in their scripts anymore to traverse from point A to point B.

    Scripters can just say one line, walk to(some spot)

    and the web walking handles finding the path from point A to point B.


    That is really all you need to know if your not interested in the details. tongue.png


    Could you go more into detail for someone who is somewhat interested in coding for Java?

  2. This script has caused countless bots of mine to randomly get lost, get killed multiple times in one session, constantly relog in and out, not doing anything for periods of time, and just constantly fucking up. I really can't understand how you can call your script a "Pro" and charge people for this piece of steaming pile of dogshit


    Decided to go to the gym and had one account gold farming and the other was leveling stats. The gold farming account was doing it's job perfectly fine (thanks Czar for the dope scripts btw), but when I went to check on the other account, I couldn't stop laughing at how pathetic this was.



    Are you fucking serious? This is a sad joke. 14 CHICKENS OVER THE COURSE OF 3 HOURS LOL.


    tl;dr refund this shit script, don't waste your time on it.

    • Like 1
  3. Cute body wanna bang?


    If you live in America sure.



    Introvert - charging energy alone because you had a social day

    Extrovert: charging energy by being with other people

    Eh I'm both I guess, after being around my friends for a long time, I prefer some time alone but when I'm alone on a sunday and kinda bored I love to go out and get energy from all my friends.

    Does it make sense?

    I'm a really outgoing person, but at the end of the day I prefer some time alone


    Yeah I'm like this as well, but sometimes it gets too much and I go AWOL on my friends and family and gotta text/call/email me to make sure I'm still alive. 

  4. Fallout?


    Played the shit out of all the fallout's already, multiple times, at least 1k+ hours combined from Fallout 1 to Fallout NV. That being said, I was so fucking hyped for Fallout 4 and after like 15 hours it was such a disappointing game, I was just so let down and so depressed for a while lol. Haven't touched it since the first week I bought it.

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