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Everything posted by VladBots

  1. it all looks the same except you changed the local var names lol owell all code on stackoverflow is under the creative commons license
  2. static final and not final static please, it's the prefered order
  3. your reverse method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2137755/how-do-i-reverse-an-int-array-in-java your concatenate method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/80476/how-to-concatenate-two-arrays-in-java at least give credit or post ref when you copy code m8
  4. sup with your @see KnuthShuffle plz l2 doc
  5. Yes. Just because I am not an experienced OSBot scripter doesn't mean I'm not an experienced scripter. Your requirements require you to be an experienced scripter not an experienced OSBot scripter to bypass the 3 week limit. As I said before, all the current bots have almost the exact same API so there's no difference in logic or function usage or anything... It would just require a few import changes and function name changes and everything that works in other places will work the same way here give or take a few bugs that can be easily fixed.
  6. It doesn't say OSBot Scripter it says scripter. Why would I need an OSBot repository to be a scripter somewhere else???
  7. It says if you are starting out as a new scripter. This is not the case for myself.
  8. Another follow up question to this thread since it got closed so fast. What if I've shown a year's maintenance on scripts offsite and can prove I'm not some retarded noob scripter? Every bot has more of less the same API just gotta change some imports and names and make sure everything works the same. I think you'll find the script I want to release to be something that will bring more people to your community since one like it doesn't exist here and it is something that people would use and pay a good amount of money for. I've got it working flawlessly offsite.
  9. Can your first script be paid??? Or do you have to release some random free crap first?
  10. the reason you got banned is because you were botting get it? haha
  11. but it doesn't offend me. im simply helping cure ops cancer
  12. yes i have, have you heard of shitposting? clearly not
  13. but your mouse can't be over a tile that isn't on camera.
  14. don't check all the tiles in the region, just get the tiles around the local player and check them (iirc the landscape only draws max 25 tiles from the cameras location)
  15. have you heard of private messaging or even profile feed? clearly not
  16. PID isn't based off of your IP anymore. -facepalm-
  17. OSBot* noah = mod weath maldesto = mod ash
  18. not necessarily the ground, it can be on a table too. Anything marked as a red dot on the minimap is classed as a GroundItem.
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