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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Cloxygen

  1. I reported this bug already, It's an issue with the osbot drop method. If it's still happening I'll report it again.
  2. So you only trained mining in f2p for 2 days?
  3. I can but I don't have an account with karamja gloves so you have to wait for me to get them
  4. The code is fixed, but the Osbot guys have to approve the commit. Pretty sure they do it once a day. No, you gotta do that yourself, sorry.
  5. ok, thanks. i'll look at it Edit: Should be fixed when it updates.
  6. If you want to place it in the same tile you took it from you can store the position before you pick it up like this GroundItem groundItem; Position itemPosition; groundItem = getGroundItems().closest(e -> e != null && e.getName().contains("Bird snare")); if(groundItem != null) { itemPosition = groundItem.getPosition(); groundItem.interact("Take"); } Or you can make an array of positions around your character when the script starts and check to see if there is a snare in them with RS2Object getPosition() on nearby snares. You would also want to track which snares were yours incase someone started laying traps in your positions.
  7. It doesn't work with essence. this one does, not mine, but it's good. Were you using a slow connection? I can't reproduce either of these issues. If they happen every time could you maybe record it and send it to me?
  8. It should bank in F2P now, the update took some time to go through. Can you tell me where you're mining?
  9. Sorry, last update messed up mining guild. I fixed it though
  10. Just submitted update, fixed this and some other bugs. Also new paint.
  11. Can you screen cap the error message?
  12. does it not already work in there?
  13. Thanks for this. Currently the script will not start without a pickaxe and I have a whitelist of items not to be dropped/deposited. But I will add a check for pickaxe that runs with the script.
  14. Yes it will work in Rimmington. In Al kharid it's probably be because the duel arena bank is actually closer. The webwalker automatically calculates the closest bank (actual walking distance not a straight line), so i can't say for sure, but I would trust it.
  15. thanks for the feedback. I haven't seen any evidence that anti-ban has any impact on ban rates, but it will have an impact on the speed of the bot. Scripts are not allowed to contain optional anti-ban so I chose to exclude it. Sorry.
  16. I added code to fix this but it might still be bugged. I will look into it again. I don't have an account with karamja 3 gloves, I will add as soon as I get one
  17. didn't know there was an underground part lol. ill add this
  18. Its a button, did you click it?
  19. I will look into this.
  20. there is one, top right corner
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