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Everything posted by Psybration

  1. "I've also recently discovered how to scale up to ~30 concurrent accounts by using an FPS limiter." - Are you running mirror mode? - Care to elaborate how to use the fps limiter? Thanks for sharing your progress, good luck!
  2. How many accounts do you use for each virtual machine?
  3. Alright, it could be good to use ur main to try out different botting methods or just bot end game activites to make some cash.
  4. Alright thanks, my concern is that sand crabs are higher ban rate due to it being such a hotspot, might give it a try later tho.
  5. Are you going to bot on your main as well? Remember, don't bot on any accounts you don't wanna lose Also training up my mule as we speak manually
  6. When it comes to botting there is no proof at all behind any method, so it all comes down to trial and error and seeing what works and what doesn't. Some people use proxies, some don't. Some people can bot for really long times while others get banned etc.
  7. hey bro, does it support breaks (built in breaks on osbot) ?
  8. I was considering either rock crabs or sand crabs. Isn't sand crabs higher ban rate though? I might try sand crabs tbh tho.
  9. Yes I had the same thought as you, it does seem stupid and I asked people if this was true but they said chain bans are a myth and as long as your're not botting on more than 20+ accounts at the same time you're good to use your home-ip, Currently trying to see if this is true or not, if I do get chain banned on my accounts I will switch over to indiviudal proxies on each account.
  10. I see where you're coming from I had the same though about using gmails that are near to identical, however from what I've heard chain bans are a myth and if you use even your home ip and run like 10 accounts you should be fine. Currently I am trying this approach with 6 nmz accounts and 1 account fishing in f2p. The f2p account got banned after 1 day however all my other accounts are still alive, so they did not get chainbanned even though I had all on same home ip and near to identical gmails. If you really want very different gmails (non registered accounts) I suggest you buy tutorial island accounts from people, they have randomly generated logins.
  11. The method Gunman said I personally use and it works like a charm. There are other methods too if you have a program that does it for you automatically. However if you're using proxies you also need to create your accounts whilst on the proxy and usually you get error15 on the website (some sort of incapsula protection on the site), this will prevent you from creating your accounts with the proxy. You can buy finished tutorial island accounts from people too if you're going to create a big farm, this will save a lot of time. Make sure your proxy/home ip adress is in the same country as the people you bought it from, otherwise your accounts will get locked when you login to them and you will have to unlock them. Usually they usa NA proxies to create these tut island accs.
  12. sick bro, u def have more experience than me then! Whats ur discord bro?
  13. Still in the learning phase! I bought Khal Agility and started a HCIM 70 agility bot farm with 10 accounts. All got banned eventually though, seems as though agility is hard to bot without ban. I used proxies in stealth injection with more breaks than bottime. Taking a new approach now, starting a nmz bot farm where I will run all bots in mirror mode instead because people report lower banrates. Also instead of proxies im running all accounts on my home ip instead, might seem more legit. Apparantly chain ban is a myth. Working on the requirements atm for the nmz bot farm right now. How is it going for you pal?
  14. Me too, will add ya on discord How long have you practiced doing scripts?
  15. Was needing this today, when will it be released?
  16. Hey guys! I am very new here and here to start goldfarming/selling accounts. Looking to make some extra bucks passively, so got a lot to learn! Might eventually expand into account service business and maybe learn some java to make some simple scripts to make goldfarming more automated/easier. My progress so far: - Bought VIP, Khal Agility, Stealth Quester - Made 10 HCIM agility accounts, eventually all got banned though. Ran all in stealth injection with a lot of breaks but still got banned. Agility seems to be highly watched or I did something wrong. - Currently making some NMZ accounts, lower interaction with game so should be lower banrate. Looking forward to my stay here, feel free to add my discord to chat/share ideas, or just drop some tips down below ^^ Discord: Psybration#0976
  17. Welcome bro! Also new here, just got into botting.
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