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$500.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. Congrats! is this your first child or second (or so on)?
  2. Knuckolls


    10-15 mill? that's my best guess.
  3. Welcome Back Scotty =)
  4. The Developers and Script Writers have to check their Code to make sure everything is working so you can have a seamless experience. Please give them some time to work on their scripts/Client to ensure a fully working environment for which you can Bot.
  5. My advice to you on Account Selling Services, Since no one else seems to want to comment: Do what you think will work and what is worth your time man. this can be anywhere from 70 agility accounts, Zerker Mains, Zulrah Accounts, tutorial island accounts, etc. the most important part of starting up a side hustle is to enjoy what you do. Find that niche and go for it.
  6. PM'd my T.O.S agreement for you to read over.
  7. I'll do this for you. do you want anything else on the accounts? wouldn't be any extra charge. I just like making new accounts ^__^
  8. Good Shit man! I followed this along back in '16 and I'm glad that the farm is still alive. With the current ban wave are you still making at least 250M daily? or has that dwindled slightly? and with the ban rates have you noticed a shift from the 04:00-08:00 EST timeframe or is that still remain consistent?
  9. Yep. You could theoretically get banned upon log in if your using a flagged IP and running a script from the inception of the account or even when doing things by hand. There's no real minimum time for a ban as stated above by Dragonite.
  10. Do you do graphic design templates? Alright I'll hit you up. I'm currently at work, thus discord doesn't work for me at the moment. Hopefully we can figure something up.
  11. I do agree that out of some of the other online communities, Osbot is much better and albeit strange sounding more tight knit then the other communities out there. The personalities on here can get toxic yes, but there are also so many people here that do want to foster a good community. One that refrains from scamming, lying, and stealing from others. And even though it is the Staff at Osbot that help foster and moderate that climate, every single member is also responsible for this happening over time aswell.
  12. If anyone wanted a playlist..... there's one.... ^
  13. I get that completely. And I'm glad y'all are close friends. and I'm glad that there are others that want the community to be a good environment.
  14. I concur with the aforementioned mindset. o__o But will Maldesto return the love to me OFC not because I am me and Debuffed is not me...
  15. oh now I understand. yeah phones are not my forte, Thank you for the insight.
  16. Best of luck to you as well friend. It took me ages to find someone for my new Avatar and Signature aswell. And I'm going to need to get them changed once I start my services thread anyways with an embedded link to my Skype, Discord, and thread D:
  17. To be fair to him you do have a TWC rank
  18. Exactly. TWC's Rank is a perfect example of it. And yes I would say you have paved the way for other people. You will be seeing some communication from me shortly Dbuffed. Before I open up shop I just need to be home back in the states, working 80 hours a week for the Govt. kind of clashes with being able to do orders. And @Trainwreck I would definitely say get some pointers from Dbuffed, others like Hanul and Hope can show you how to run a questing service, RDM and Chuckle both run very reputable account sales threads and Juggles, Team Cape, a few others are your go to for scripting. There are many people on this site that can new forum members shape their burgeoning business's but it does take methodical help, trustworthiness and effort. My old (short-term) partner Tesla is an example of someone who rushed into things and ended up scam quitting and it weighs heavily on myself because I trusted someone with my name and I was almost tarnished because of it. Then he came back as a ban evader and scammed more members. It is a unfortunate black mark against myself and I do have a under dispute on my record here due to buyers that claim false feedback aswell. that's why I have emphasized taking your time and being deliberate with how you portray yourself. There is a saying in the Navy that goes on like this: "Perception is Reality" And I'm sure you can figure out why that saying also is something that also is relevant in this community. Also if you need guidance the staff here at OsBot are Top-Notch and put a lot of effort into this community and I am sure they would be willing to help you out if you have any questions.
  19. Then contribute to the forum in a methodical and sensible manner. If you rush into things and spam the forums you will be seen as not credible and just someone trying to get to 100 PC quick, sell a few accounts then scam quit and rinse and repeat. If you take your time, get a good reputation on this forum then people will want to buy from you. Take me for an example... if you look at my feedback half of my MM's, trades, etc I am drunk and at a bar and I do everything over my phone yet people still have used me. In no way am I saying I am perfect or reputable on this forum, but there are a few people here like @Dbuffed that have slowly worked and contributed to the community and now are verified and seen as pillars of the marketplace. just some food for thought
  20. Hello, I would like to commission someone to create me a custom thread layout for my upcoming Questing, Powerleveling, Account Creation Services. I will give you specifics over PM, Discord, Skype for what I would like included. Regarding the layout design and (not including the T.O.S and Services offered) Everything is open to the artists creativity. I thought I had commissioned someone, but it seems they forgot or life got in the way and I haven't heard anything from that artist. Therefore I am hiring once more. Please PM me or reply here if you are interested. Best Regards, Knuckolls
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