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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. I'm using your breakmanager I hope it's fixed in the next client update then
  2. Hi, If a world is too full while hopping it seems to stop every script instead of hopping to a different one. Can this be fixed?
  3. Hi guys, I'm curious how much my main would go for. Stats: Untradeables: Quest points: Acc does have one warning for macroing. Thanks
  4. Hi, the client doesn't show the proxy IP in the border anymore. (Using CLI and stealth mode). please tell me all my bots are still on proxies? :S
  5. Hello guys, I'm looking for someone who can make 5 accounts (Maybe more later) with the following requirements: Account requirements. 60 / 60 / 60 Stats 140k NMZ points 14 days membership. Account should have the following items: Rock Cake, Dragon boots, Full obsidian, Obsidian cape, Obsidian Sword, Obsidian Shield, Combat Bracelet, Berserker necklace and Berserker Ring The following quests completed: What lies below (King Roald), Mountain Daughter (Kendal), Vampire Slayer (Count Draynor), Tree Spirit (Lost City) and Tree Gnome Village (Khazard Warlord) I will provide you with proxies for the accounts. Name a price GOT SOMEONE TO DO THE JOB ALREADY. Thanks, Gushou
  6. Hi guys, I'm looking to buy NMZ ready account with 60/60/60 or higher (If price is good) Discord: Gushou#0463 Thanks, Gushou
  7. Ok thank you! Am I doing something wrong in my command line? https://prnt.sc/uzhr78 Getting this error: https://prnt.sc/uuoh0r Seems to not give an error when I remove the -allow nointerface
  8. Ohh thanks! anyway to randomize the debug port ?
  9. Hello guys, Is it possible to have no interface but still see the logger from the bot client? Thanks, Gushou
  10. Gushou

    Max stakers

    Hi guys, What are max stakers going for? 99 att, str and def Thanks, Gushou
  11. Hello, I'm looking to buy cheap trash accounts wich have tut island completed. Discord: Gushou#0463
  12. Hello, How much are lvl 3 82 mining accounts worth? Is possible with superior mining gloves. Gratz, Gushou
  13. Yeahh, im afraid they van detect if it's running in a emulator
  14. Hi, Is IT possible to bump up the fps on osrs mobile? Running IT on a potato for macroing. Android btw Thanks, Gushou
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