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Everything posted by Hayden

  1. great stats. Leave prayer as is and get 60 attack. Then just work on str. Also good stats for pking.
  2. i dont know what my registed email is
  3. I dont get notified of new replies on my topics. I have it set so I do but I dont. Does anyone know the problem? Or a fix to this problem? Thanks.
  4. Hayden


    It looks good. Well done! although it doesn't really blend in well with the stuff behind it.
  5. well there you go. you learn something new everyday.
  6. Just download it from pirate bay
  7. Hayden

    Little showcase

    Good work. Love the quality of them pictures!
  8. Hayden

    Rate my Sig?

    It looks good. Not a big fan of the angle of the text and maybe make it a little darker in between the letters on the "Skype" part.
  9. Tell her you play runescape. She will leave you and never come back.
  10. Hayden

    iPhone 6

    looks good although will be expensive as fuck
  11. water cooling? like a car radiator? do you put coolant in it?
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