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Everything posted by Hayden

  1. fuck yeah, with guthans you should get good xp
  2. they are good but to heavy
  3. na just dragon legs, d scim, glory, torso, d boots lol
  4. im getting about 100k an hour with shit gear at 92 str at nmz
  5. What does the salve amulet e do?
  6. they look good well done. might as well get back into it, what have you got to lose
  7. Hi I have 90 str, 75 att and 75 defence was just wondering if anyone knows of good training spots? i want to train legit. I cant go nmz because i log out every 10 minutes or so.
  8. Hayden


  9. shouts to winnerowns and his whip, dumped on bags at the back, nice one buddy
  10. you think thats bad, we have like sbs2, sbs, prime 7, 7mate, ten, eleven, 7two, gem, tv4me, and cant think of the rest.
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