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Everything posted by Hayden

  1. Would anyone happen to know the maximum signature dimensions for someone with sponsor. If you do please comment.. Thanks, Hayden
  2. A lot of nice work. However you should work on making some of them more clear.
  3. Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt Cunt
  4. Dont you fuckin send me professional words. ill ruin ya m8
  5. Idk if you will be aloud here if you are banned off site.
  6. I would remove this post lol or edit it before a mod see's it. You will get banned
  7. hey darling welcome to osbot
  8. that random guy "my dad is me!''
  9. break the solder ans re-solder it mate
  10. Design: Text saying HAYDEN. Blue for the main colour, and 3D text. Skype: Hayden.RS Love what you are doing here.
  11. Hayden

    im done.

    You're not gay are ya?
  12. Hayden

    This VN

    Same car mate. I just have a normal v6 engine.
  13. I like it. Will play it on the subs in the car when im done with the car Also what happened to your comment on my post? I went to quote it then it was gone
  14. Hayden


    it does look quite good well done.
  15. Looks like a awesome account so far! get 50 attack and when you get bored go for 60. The only problem with that is training can be a bit worse without a dscim.
  16. Hayden

    This VN

    I have the same model in white. Will hopefully be like this one day
  17. being on the same world with orion wont cause it
  18. why are most these cars shitty fords and jap cars?
  19. Hayden


    what the fuck are you on about cunt
  20. Just start off doing cheap questing services.
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