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Le Master

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  1. Hey, may I get a 24hr trial for this? Thanks!
  2. Le Master

    Stealth Quester

    Hey, I'm using this after a long time but I remember that a while ago there were a number of options such as to set your gear preset based on your currently equipped items - and also if the bot encounters a problem and needs to be stopped there was a special option to start it up again at the same position? Is there any way to do this with the new AI?
  3. I've had this same problem and the bot stopped doing anything and just stood there, not sure what's causing this? I've also found when I started script itl kept hopping trying to find a world (which is good) but all of a sudden it logs in and there is somebody there and it started trying to lay traps in the same area next to theirs, had to stop running the script in case of being banned I submitted a report on a few things through the GUI so I hope some of this gets looked at
  4. I have no idea how any of this works but the approach I take is that if I am somehow flagged for botting (this could be someone reporting me or simply not logging out for 6 hours straight), Jagex would have no problem determining that I was in fact botting So the only way I can avoid getting banned is not grabbing their attention in the first place i.e. don't bot in crowded areas and as you say don't bot for hours on end
  5. Hey man. This looks good I'm currently using your pest control script with the same intention of getting strength xp without hp Any chance I could get a trial for this one to see if it will be more efficient? Many thanks
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