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Everything posted by Vydamo

  1. http://gyazo.com/8703997130b49ae802489a3000333935 Afk mode not set, sat there for another 30 minutes before i stopped it
  2. stuck here http://gyazo.com/cd5eda62becb442f0fb8a3c1c76421a0 Script is completely broken now, once at crabs just walks back and forth from unicorns to crabs. This is getting ridiculous now, i've been patient but i haven't been able to use the script since i bought it.
  3. You need to post a screenshot so he can fix it.
  4. http://gyazo.com/efef5b0e04129307ca388cb4cadd3b1c Loving the script so far!
  5. Am i the only one that still isn't getting version 2.69? Seems alot of updates are being pushed for me to still be on that?
  6. Just don't judge the script in it's current state. An update broke it and it is incredibly buggy. We really need this update pushed, script has basically been unusable for a few days now without constant babysitting. Finally made it to the bank for the first time, but got stuck here - http://gyazo.com/fdbe9ffe6848622249f8217c9ea78c03 Can we please fix that
  7. Vydamo

    Molly's Thiever

    Won't work on silk stalls in mirror mode, theivs a few then just stops.
  8. mine is still getting stuck in randoms, not just ignoring them
  9. Am i the only one that is repeatedly dying with this? Seems i can't leave it for more than an hour without coming back dead.
  10. http://gyazo.com/0d1acc3f9b4a5f5f06fb40b4ed1e778b This just happened http://gyazo.com/a45f0c98b72df08148cf893d8e4ce842 And again, seems random solver is broken
  11. Does this have cannon support yet?
  12. Vydamo

    Molly's Thiever

    Could i please get a trial if it supports mirror mode.
  13. anyone have any idea why i wouldn't be running through my proxy? Right clicked the old school client and used proxifier to select it, then use mirror client but all im getting is my usual ip with this checker?
  14. Be extremely careful. Bans on 07 are increasingly common
  15. +1 Can't even do it quick on a private server when i'm maxed lol.
  16. http://gyazo.com/6028c4403a1a701a01521820c660bcca interested in this? TH8
  17. Thanks for the generic, no brain response. OP asked if he should wait till the risk is lower.
  18. Would definitely be interested, and to everyone saying it's illegal So is RWT and botting
  19. Vydamo

    GE :D

    Excuse the ignorance - If not many people buy bulk how is it possible to sell them for higher prices?
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