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Posts posted by DEMONTIME

  1. 13 minutes ago, Wizard said:

    Ah, this topic again.. too bad my friend, vets are no longer have their value as they used to. Good luck tho ;)

    They will have value when I make vet valuable (assuming I get vet)

  2. 25 minutes ago, Saiyan said:

    i can advertise your threads/signature for you :kappa:

    i dont do gfx but my reccomendations:

    1) Adapt (if he's alive still probs too busy being a fuckin pleb)

    2) MisterSlyther 

    3) Mio

    4) Deciever if he's not being a lazy sweaty gardener for the cartel

    imo MisterSlyther and Deciever do the best shit but Slyther is expensive (which is a good thing cause quality > price) but Nick/Deciever is a lazy ass so idk 

    Thanks, ill see what i can do after some more AIO orders. :)
    I'm going through @Mio

  3. 1 minute ago, iNate said:

    So just watched myself lose 70m, I was just about to transfer too :feels:

    20 clients, watched 1 client drop, then the next, dominoes, couldn't run to the bots fast enough to trade when I realised they were butt-fucking my weekend money money making.



    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Jordy said:

    You get a ban evader banned who scammed you in the past and gave you their new rsn ;) Jok3y = rsn to greekkid who is actually ban evader - therealjok3y

    lol nice work detective.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Southperk said:

    I'd say music really helps and good quality pre workout definitely improves focus (in my experience anyway). So when it comes to supplements, you really only get what you pay for so don't be too worried about spending a bit more to get good quality. When I don't use preworkout, working out with others or at a gym where others are really focused helps keep you on track. A gym buddy who is really motivated will help you a lot.

    I'd say music really helps and good quality pre workout definitely improves focus (in my experience anyway). So when it comes to supplements, you really only get what you pay for so don't be too worried about spending a bit more to get good quality. When I don't use preworkout, working out with others or at a gym where others are really focused helps keep you on track. A gym buddy who is really motivated will help you a lot.

    Thank you for the input xD I do most of this already.

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