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Posts posted by DEMONTIME

  1. On 3/11/2017 at 4:22 PM, Expeditious said:

    I would personally recommend you spread your wealth over various low requirement methods and try and find out what works for you, so when you do get banned it will not be a massive blow. 

    This ^.

    Main source of income should be Zulrah with a second method on *mule* type botting accounts, if you get 5m spread over 10 accounts 50M is sorted, if some get banned you'll have a majority of your bank left so you should be able to rebuild, but yes always trade the majority of your profit onto a mule (actual mule).. 

  2. I left highschool and wanted to be a teacher myself, I was doing student teacher trials (I was a teacher but not officially .e.g. hadn't studied just there for experience for a university course) & had a pretty decent looking teacher I had for Art in school tryna slide into the DMs during my time at the school, she also tried to talk to me quite a lot during lunch break in the staff room. I just reminded her I was a student here once and that I'd fucked several students here that are now senior and it'd probably not be a good idea the people at school find out.

  3. Give it a while of chilling before you get into the Market, i've been waiting like 2 years for the right time to get into the market and i've just done my share of browsing forums before hand!
    Not many people knew about me when I first opened up and what not and even now people are still like wtf whose this guy :???: but over time things will be better you just need to pace yourself.
    Slow and steady wins the race.

    • Like 1
  4. hey ill get right onto it, been flat pack busy with things, no excuse for not being on the PC except the fact that I haven't really been on.
    My activity has nothing to do with only your service but everything I am currently doing, therefore I will finish it off, no threat here guys, take it easy. :)

  5. no idea lmfao, maybe its the fact that it's similar to AGS in maxing specs except it takes longer to hit the full extent of the spec compared to an ags (1tick).
    I think its crashing due to its ability.

    Just now, Muffins said:

    didn't know you can go in to a comma.... interesting.... mind showing me how?

    :cash: ---> ,

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, lizzzerd said:

    ill take rosie's smelly cooter



    fuck your grandma and nobody knows OR... dont fuck your grandma but everyone thinks you did?

    probably the second one considering she's dead so they'd only think i rolled up my gma in a joint for a extra high.


    Would you rather lick your dads foot after a hard day at work or eat a smoothie that'd sat next to a window for 4 days?

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