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Trade With Caution
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About milanotje

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



milanotje's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0
  1. Framble left Positive feedback   

    Bought account from me. Everything went smooth, thanks again!

    milanotje was The Buyer

  2. Fratem left Positive feedback   

    Thank you for purchasing gold from www.RealistGold.com

    milanotje was The Seller

  3. Lucki left Positive feedback   

    Huge vouch for completing quest for me

    milanotje was The Seller

  4. drapi left Positive feedback   

    Did some questing for him

    milanotje was The Buyer

  5. Realist left Positive feedback   

    thank you for buying RSGP from us ! www.RealistGold.com

    milanotje was The Buyer

  6. Sauron left Positive feedback   

    Did a bunch of quests for him. Awesome customer :)

    milanotje was The Buyer

  7. Sunna left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a SICK main for 70M, he went first! A**

    milanotje was The Buyer

  8. Realist left Positive feedback   

    thank you for buying RSGP from us ! www.RealistGold.com

    milanotje was The Buyer

  9. tranzystor3 left Positive feedback   

    sold him coins. Quick trade.

    milanotje was The Buyer

  10. Felix left Positive feedback   

    Thank you for buying 46m at realistgold.com :)

    milanotje was The Buyer

  11. Realist left Positive feedback   

    thank you for buying RSGP from us ! www.RealistGold.com

    milanotje was The Buyer

  12. Realist left Positive feedback   

    thank you for buying RSGP from us ! www.RealistGold.com

    milanotje was The Buyer

  13. Deceiver left Positive feedback   

    sold him 99 thieve acc + other stats for 80m, nice guy!

    milanotje was The Buyer

  14. Realist left Positive feedback   

    thank you for buying RSGP from us ! www.RealistGold.com

    milanotje was The Buyer

  15. RsgpDeals left Positive feedback   

    sold him 23m 07 ty

    milanotje was The Seller

  16. s k ii lz z left Positive feedback   

    trained 60-75 def for him in a day great customer

    milanotje was The Buyer

  17. Aaron left Positive feedback   

    Levelled for him

    milanotje was The Seller

  18. s k ii lz z left Positive feedback   

    trained 75 str for him nice guy, he paid first!

    milanotje was The Seller

  19. s k ii lz z left Positive feedback   

    trained stats for him nmz and a great customer A+!

    milanotje was The Buyer

  20. Dieze left Positive feedback   

    Sold me a pure back, quick trade

    milanotje was The Seller

  21. Shermz left Positive feedback   

    completed bunch of quests for him. cheers

    milanotje was The Buyer

  22. Butta left Positive feedback   

    sold him 150m!

    milanotje was The Buyer

  23. Bogla Kevin left Positive feedback   

    Sold them 55m 07 at www.BoglaGold.com. Clean and easy.

    milanotje was The Buyer

  24. Dieze left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a DDS Pure, thanks again

    milanotje was The Buyer

  25. Alch left Positive feedback   

    thanks a ton Milanotje :p - www.BoglaGold.com [600m 07]

    milanotje was The Seller

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