hey man. the script isn't working at the moment. Whenever I start up the bot, it will not reset the crabs when they no longer spawn attackable:
[INFO][Bot #1][10/15 02:50:53 PM]: Walking to my assigned fight tile ([x=1749, y=3412, z=0])!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/15 02:50:53 PM]: Received longwalk command (90) to: [x=1749, y=3412, z=0] from: [x=1749, y=3412, z=0], distance: 0 tiles.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/15 02:50:53 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/15 02:50:53 PM]: [AFK-MODE]: Waiting for a crab to appear near our chosen afk tile [x=1749, y=3412, z=0], us: [x=1749, y=3412, z=0]