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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
gorf134 gorf134 07/10/13 Great guy Did his 53-70 pray! A++ Hades Hades
Beezmans Beezmans 07/10/13 Had a problem with my net but he didnt scam - Went smooth , trusted. Acerd Acerd
Hades Hades 07/10/13 This guy is legit and really friendly, the work was clean and fast. gorf134 gorf134
ChrisArchie ChrisArchie 07/10/13 Payed me for Graphics, Amazing Guy Jordan Jordan
Jordan Jordan 07/10/13 Beautiful GFX, very professional 200k ChrisArchie ChrisArchie
Syche Syche 07/10/13 Sold him a Dbow rusher Via paypal. great buyer! Master Chief Master Chief
Someluser Someluser 07/10/13 Sold him 6m, he went first, Fast and Easy A++!! Kawas Kawas
Kawas Kawas 07/10/13 Bought 6m off him! Everything when fair, fast and smooth! Someluser Someluser
imppu imppu 07/10/13 Sold 1x membership pin, easy to work with he went first thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 07/10/13 aa imppu imppu
Hades Hades 07/10/13 Fast, and effcient! will def use again. RSH RSH
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 Scammer :) XavierM XavierM
Skype Skype 07/10/13 sold him a pin was easy :) arabinthemist arabinthemist
arabinthemist arabinthemist 07/10/13 Sold me a pin - fast & smooth trade! Skype Skype
RatedRko RatedRko 07/10/13 11:1 10m EOC to OS Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin 07/10/13 He went first and bought my 10m eoc. Legit, fast and friendly. RatedRko RatedRko
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 Told me a "unknown spot" for rares after I paid him. Checking now. XavierM XavierM
Walkon Walkon 07/10/13 Sold him a 1 month Membership for 3.5m Extremely smooth :) FortMinor FortMinor
AgentPerry AgentPerry 07/10/13 I went first, smooth trade, would buy from again. Konloch Konloch
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 bought a location, no rare just yet, refund if 6 hours though :) Solution Solution
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 Scammer dogtag dogtag
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 bought loc dogtag dogtag
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 Bought 8m. Trade went quickly and smooth. Thanks. FortMinor FortMinor
7yt 7yt 07/10/13 bought spawn locations, went really smooth. HexHunter HexHunter
Adriana Adriana 07/10/13 thx fast trade noobs2k7 noobs2k7
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