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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Flake Flake 10/17/13 Bought another account from him, TRUSTED guy :p Nick M Nick M
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/17/13 Thanks for MMing! Best MM out there! Flake Flake
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/17/13 MMed account trade for me. good guy! Nick M Nick M
Ricky Ricky 10/17/13 Sold him 4.5m, He went first, Thanks Alex Alex
Alex Alex 10/17/13 Bought 4.5m. Thanks aton Ricky Ricky
Hades Hades 10/17/13 MiddleMan my firecape will be using this service again thanks guys A++ robertwalker robertwalker
Dalgleesh Dalgleesh 10/17/13 Completed Fire Cape for me super quick trusted A++ robertwalker robertwalker
Hades Hades 10/17/13 MM'd fire cape for me, no worries :) Dalgleesh Dalgleesh
robertwalker robertwalker 10/17/13 Completed fire cape for the guy, paid first, no problems, enjoy your cape :) Dalgleesh Dalgleesh
Hades Hades 10/17/13 Bought from him powerlevel and questing A+++ Dat weed Dat weed
wish321 wish321 10/17/13 Bought some powerleveling and quests from him, fast as always! Dat weed Dat weed
BawsZ BawsZ 10/17/13 bought 20m gp, fast and trusted as always Nick M Nick M
Hades Hades 10/17/13 He middle man I did shilo village and some stats for ced wish321 wish321
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/17/13 sold 4m got my money right away :) quinten quinten
BawsZ BawsZ 10/17/13 sold him 45 mill fast transaction very trusted Ghetto Ghetto
flaxspinner flaxspinner 10/17/13 sold him a pin thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/17/13 thats that shit i do like flaxspinner flaxspinner
Diclonius Diclonius 10/17/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/17/13 Bought 2 level 3 accounts. Went smoothly :). Diclonius Diclonius
Abstractive Abstractive 10/17/13 THE best graphics artist I've ever dealt with. Please read the vouch by clicking YoHoJo YoHoJo
idntbot idntbot 10/17/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/17/13 fast and legit +1 idntbot idntbot
Hades Hades 10/17/13 Sold him GFX Great Guy. Trustworthy!!! Christian Bigham Christian Bigham
Zappa Zappa 10/17/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/17/13 bought a level 3! Thanks! Zappa Zappa
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