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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Alan Alan 10/16/13 Sold him 9m! I went first Very Trusted A+++++ Anon Anon
Anon Anon 10/16/13 Bought 9m off him. He went first, trusted!!! A+ Alan Alan
Anon Anon 10/16/13 Sold him 8m , He went first - smooth CyanSales CyanSales
CyanSales CyanSales 10/16/13 Awesome! I went first i sent money and was very smooth! Anon Anon
The Hero of Time The Hero of Time 10/16/13 Bought 20m off me , legit , he went first. CyanSales CyanSales
CyanSales CyanSales 10/16/13 bought 20m , once again great guy The Hero of Time The Hero of Time
Khanz Khanz 10/16/13 Helped me many times :) Lolbot69 Lolbot69
B2B B2B 10/16/13 A+ buyer of gold. I went first. MB360 MB360
MB360 MB360 10/16/13 Quick trade, sold me 1m, thanks! B2B B2B
Studskilla Studskilla 10/16/13 bought account, went first, went smoothy ridnem ridnem
Mystere Mystere 10/16/13 bought 07 gold from him , very fast ! ty HellenWong HellenWong
HellenWong HellenWong 10/16/13 Sold 25m Thanks Mystere Mystere
Meruzi Meruzi 10/16/13 thx for MM =D Slunse Slunse
Kittens Kittens 10/16/13 Sold membership Violent Violent
Violent Violent 10/16/13 Bought 1 pin off him. Thank you. Kittens Kittens
PipiDaga PipiDaga 10/16/13 Sold him an account, I went first to 40m 07 sheepgob sheepgob
LiquidMetal LiquidMetal 10/16/13 BOught 4 fresh level 3 accounts Spikoli Spikoli
BawsZ BawsZ 10/16/13 sold 4 pins quick and easy ibockscarbon ibockscarbon
ibockscarbon ibockscarbon 10/16/13 bought 4 pins off him 12m BawsZ BawsZ
GoldFarm GoldFarm 10/16/13 sold me a vps was nice and fast about it, he taught me how to use linux to setup dylanteeter dylanteeter
bigolkeith bigolkeith 10/16/13 sold him some gp's fast easy thanks bro BawsZ BawsZ
LiquidMetal LiquidMetal 10/16/13 Bought awesome account, took awhile, but he eventually trusted me Spikoli Spikoli
Spikoli Spikoli 10/16/13 Sold him an account for $27.50, he went first, all good! LiquidMetal LiquidMetal
HellenWong HellenWong 10/16/13 sold 48m easy seals2 seals2
mikey121192 mikey121192 10/16/13 Sold 10m to Mikey. Quick and hassle-free trade :D Deffiliate Deffiliate
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